~予以谅解。We hope you will understand./~如此。I hope so./~不要如此。I hope not./~你早日恢复健康。Hope you’ll soon be well again./~给予积极的考虑。Hope you will give favorable consideration to it./~你能同意。Hope you’ll agree./~下次见面时你的健康状况更好。Hope to find you in better health when we meet again./~这个问题能早日解决。Let’s hope for an early settlement of this question./这是我们对你的~。This is what we expect of you./我~我能参加会议。I wish I could participate in this meeting. (实际上未参加)/年轻一代是国家的~。The younger generation is the hope of the nation./我们表示~两国能进行友好合作。We expressed the hope for friendly cooperation between our two countries./没有多大~。There is not much (or little) hope./有没有~? Is there any chance?/他们这样做,~能在联大取得多数。They did so in the hope of getting majority support in the General Assembly./他的~破灭(落空)了。His hopes were shattered(or dashed)./他们继续抱有~。They continue to be hopeful;/我们有~获胜。Hopefully we’ll win./他这个人毫无~。He is a hopeless case./~最好的,准备最坏的。Hope for the best and prepare against the worst./一线~a ray of hope; a glimmer of hope; a gleam of hope;a faint hope/把~寄托在青年人身上place (or pin) hopes on young people/大有~be full of promise;be most promising/大有成功的~promise high hopes of success;stand a very good chance of success/有~的青年a promising young man;a young hopeful/抱着胜利的~hold out a hope of victory/把~变成现实turn hopes into reality/~情况有最好的发展hope for the best/~工程Hope Project/~小学Hope Primary School