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单词 师直为壮

师直为壮shī zhí wéi zhuàng

an army fighting for a just cause has high morale; it is the goodness of its cause which makes an army strong
❍ ~,曲为老,岂在久乎? (《左传·僖二十八年》)It is the goodness of its cause which makes an army strong; you cannot call it old because it may have served a long time.
❍ ~,曲为老。(《左传·宣十二年》) When an army has right on its side,it is strong; when the expendition is wrong,the army is weary and weak.

师直为壮shī zhí wéi zhuànɡ

师:军队;直:理由正直;壮:壮盛,有力量。指出动军队有正当理由,战斗力就强。an army fighting for a just cause has high, it is the goodness of its cause which makes an army strong





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