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❶ (传授知识、技术的人) teacher; master: 提倡尊 ~ 爱生 advocate students respecting teachers and teachers cherishing students; 尊 ~ 重道 honour the teacher and respect his teachings; 她无 ~ 自通学会了拉丁语。 She learned Latin without a master. 有其 ~ 必有其徒。 Like teacher, like pupil.
❷ (学习的榜样) model; example: 前事不忘, 后事之 ~。 Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future.
❸ (掌握专门学术或技艺的人) a person skilled in a certain profession: 工程 ~ engineer; 技 ~ technician; 理发 ~ barber
❹ (对和尚的尊称) honorific title for a Buddhist monk
❺ (由师徒关系产生的) of one's master or teacher: ~ 母 the wife of one's teacher or master
❻ (军队的编制单位) division: 步兵 ~ infantry division; 装甲 ~ armoured division
❼ (军队) troops; army: 出 ~ dispatch troops to fight; send out an army; 雄 ~ powerful army; 正义之 ~ an army fighting for a just cause; 挥 ~ 南下 command an army to march south
❽ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 伯浑 Shi Bohun Ⅱ [书] (学习; 仿效) imitate: ~ 古 imitate the ancients; ~ 其所长 learn from his good points
◆ 师表 [书] a person of exemplary virtue;
师部 {军} division headquarters;
师承 [书] the succession of teachings from a master to his disciples;
师出无名 send the army out without a righteous cause; act (handle matters) without any justifiable reason; carry out a campaign without any justifiable reason; dispatch troops without a just cause; There is no excuse for the campaign.;
师道 the succession of teachings from masters to disciples; the truth in learning from a master; the principles a master abides by;
师道尊严 the teacher's dignity; the absolute authority of the teachers;
师弟 junior fellow apprentice; the son of one's master (younger than oneself); father's apprentice (younger than oneself);
师法 model oneself after (a great master); imitate; knowledge or technique handed down by one's master;
师范 teacher-training; pedagogical; [简] normal school; [书] model; a person of exemplary virtue;
师傅 master worker (a qualified worker as distinct from an apprentice);
师父 master; master worker; a polite form of address to a monk or nun;
师父领进门, 修行在个人 The master teaches the trade, but the perfection of the apprentice's skill depends on his own efforts.; The master initiates the apprentices, but their skill depends on their own efforts.; The master teaches the trade, but the apprentice's skill is self-made.;
师公 master's master;
师老兵疲 The troops have been in operation too long and soldiers are extremely tired.; Protracted fighting has made the troops old and tired.;
师母 the wife of one's teacher or master;
师娘 [口] the wife of one's teacher or master;
师生 teachers and students;
师生员工 the teachers, students, staff members and workers;
师徒 master and apprentice; teacher and pupil;
师团 {军} division;
师兄 senior fellow apprentice; the son of one's master (older than oneself); father's apprentice (older than oneself);
师兄弟 fellow apprentices of one and the same master;
师爷 a private assistant attending to legal, fiscal or secretarial duties in a local yamen; private adviser;
师友 a person one can resort to for advice;
师长 [尊] teacher; {军} division commander; divisional commander;
师直为壮 An army fighting for a just cause has a high morale.; A just campaign is invincible.; Only a righteous army may have a grand [good] morale.; The army of righteousness is unconquerable.;
师专 [简] normal training college; teachers training school; normal school;
师资 persons qualified to teach; teachers:

Shi(the army;martial forces)






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