释义 |
市shìⅠ ❶ (市场) market: 菜 [谷, 米, 鱼] ~ vegetable [grain, rice, fish] market; 黑 ~ black market; 上 ~ be on the market; be in season; 它已开始上 ~。 It has appeared on the market. ❷ (城市) city; municipality: 港 ~ port [seaport] city; 省辖 ~ provincial city; ~ 中心 the heart of the city; city centre; downtown; 天津 ~ the City of Tianjin; Tianjin municipality ❸ (属于市制的) pertaining to the Chinese system of weights and measures: ~ 尺 chi, a unit of length (=1/3 metre) ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 被 Shi Bei Ⅱ [书] (买卖货物) buy; sell; deal in: ~ 马 deal in horses; ~ 药 buy medicine ◆市廛 [书] stores in a market or street; market; business centre; 市场 market house; marketplace; market; bazaar; 市场层次 market levels; 市场导向 market oriented; 市场调查 market survey [research]; market investigation; 市场动向 market trend; 市场对策 market counter measures; 市场风险 market risk; 市场机制 market function; market mechanisms; 市场价格 fair market price; 市场疲软 market easy; market slump; sluggish market; a weak market; 市场潜力 market potential; 市场调节价 market-adjusted price; 市场贴现率 market exchange of discount; 市场心理学 market psychology; 市场信息 market information; 市场需求 market demand; 市场营销功能 marketing functions; 市场预测 market forecasting; 市场占有率 market-sharing rate; occupancy of market; 市场战略 market strategy; 市秤 Chinese scale of weights; 市尺 chi (a unit of length, =1/3 metre); 市寸 cun (a unit of length, =1/3 decimeter); 市石 dan (a unit of dry measure for grain, =1 hectolitre); 市担 dan (a unit of weight, =50 kilograms); 市电 electric supply; 市斗 dou (a unit of dry measure for grain, =1 decalitre); 市分 fen (a unit of length, =1/3 centimetre); fen (a unit of area, =66.666 square metres); 市花 city flower; 市惠 [书] curry favour (with); fawn on; 市集 fair; small town; 市际 interurban; 市价 market price; 市郊 suburb; outskirts; 市斤 jin (a unit of weight, =0.5 kilogram); 市井 [书] marketplace; town; 市井小人 a mean fellow of the marketplace; philistine; gigmanity; 市井之流[臣] the average man about town; townsman; townspeople; 市侩 sordid merchant; philistine; 市面 market conditions; business; 市民 residents of a city; towns people; townsman; 市亩 mu (a unit of area, =0.0667 hectares); 市内 city; urban; 市内电话 local telephone system; urban telephone system; city telephone; 市区 city proper; downtown ar ̄ea; urban district; 市容 the appearance of a city; 市升 sheng (a unit of dry measure for grain, =1 litre); 市委 municipal Party committee; 市用制 the Chinese system of weights and measures; 市语 trader's slang; business jargon; 市长 mayor; 市丈 zhang (a unit of length, =3 1/3 metres); 市招 shop sign; signboard; 市镇 small towns; towns; market town; 市政 municipal administration; 市政设施 municiple infrastruc ̄ ture; 市政府 municipal government; 市政厅 town hall; hotel de ville; guildhall; 市制 the Chinese system of weights and measures; 市中心 downtown area |