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单词 appoint
释义 appoint /a'pomt; a'pjint/ vt 1 [VP6A, 14, 16A] ~ sth (for sth), choose, decide, fix (a time/date, etc): 定; 决定; 指定(时间,日期等): The time ~ed for the meeting was 8.30pm. 开会所定的时间是晚上八时三十分。 We must ~ a time to meet again/a time for the next meeting. 我们必须定出一个时间再集会(定出下次的会期)。 2 [VP6A, 14, 16A, 23, 25] ~ sb (to sth), choose for a post; set up by choosing members: 选派,指派,委派,任命(某人担任某职位); 选定会员以组成: They ~ed White (to be) manager. 他们委派怀特为经理。 Smith was ~ed to the vacant post. 史密斯被派就那空缺。 The newly-~ed officials are all experts. 那些新派任的官员全是专家老手。 We must ~ a committee. 我们必须选派委员以组成一委员会。 3 [VP9] (formal or older use) give orders: (正式用语或旧用法)下令; 命令: ~ that sth shall be done. 下令做某事。 4 well/badly ~ed, well/ badly equipped. 设备好(坏)的。 ~ee /apoin'ti:; s,p2in'ti/ n person ~ed to an office or position. 被派任者; 被委派者; 被指定人。




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