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单词 new
new/nju: AmE nu:/ adj[-er/-est]; adv

adj (1)新的(not existing (or owned)before;only now happening or being builtmadeproducedbought etc for the first time):a~road/house/dress/deal/idea/fashion新路/房/衣/政/思想/款式;I've never seen this school before;is it~? 我以前从未见过这所学校,是新建的吗?〖同〗modern,current,recent,fresh;〖反〗old,ancient,aged,elderly;

(2)未见(经历)过的;生疏的(not foundseenexperiencedetc before;unfamiliar to sb)[A(to)]:a~chemical element/job 新的化学元素/工作;I try to learn ten~words every day. 我要每天学10个新单词。The entire approach was~to me. 这种方法对我来说完全是陌生的。It was a Swedish model~to the market. 这是瑞典式的,新近才上市。

(3)对……不习惯(熟悉) (unaccustomed;unfamiliar with)[A(to)]:I am~to the city. 我对这座城市很生疏。This is a problem~to the science. 这是科学界首次遇到的问题。Are you~here? 你对这里不熟吗?〖同〗unaccustomed,unfamiliar;〖反〗used,experienced,familiar;

(4)变动了的;不同的(changed;different):a~teacher/friend/home/attempt 新的老师/朋友/家/尝试;She is beginning a~life.她开始过着一种新生活。〖同〗altered,recreated,revivified,rebuilt;

(5)现代的;最新型的(recent;modernup-to-date)[常与the连用]:~styles/techniques 新式样/技术;the~poor/rich/trend 新贫/富/趋势;

(6)重新开始的,周而复始的(starting over again in a cycle)[通常attrib]:the~moon/year 新月/年;Let's make a~start. 让我们重新开始吧。Another~day dawned. 新的一天又开始了。turn over a~leaf 翻开新的篇章(重新开始;改过自新);

(as) good as new 和新的一样:They'll just paint the house,and it will be as good as~. 他们把房子修整一下,它就会和新的一样了。

a new broom (sweeps clean) 新官上任三把火:The new superintendent has changed many of the school rules. A~broom sweeps clean. 新来的主管变更了学校的多项规章,真是新官上任三把火。

a new lease of life;(AmE)a new lease on life 精神焕发;焕然一新:After her marriage it was as though she'd got a~lease of life. 她结婚后精神焕发。

adv 新近地(recently)[常用以构成合成词]:a~born baby 新生儿;a~-coined word新词;~-fallen snow 刚下的雪;a~-fangled life 新型生活;a~-fashioned coat 新流行的大衣;a~-made wharf 新建的码头;

→′newly adv 新近地;






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