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单词 apple
释义 apple /'aepl; 'aepl/ n (tree with) round fruit with firm juicy flesh and skin that is green, red or yellow when the fruit is ripe. 苹果; 苹果树。 → the illus at fruit. 参看 fruit 之插图。 the ~ of one's eye, sb or sth dearly loved. 极受珍爱之人或物; 掌上明珠。 ~ of discord, cause of quarrel. 争吵的原因。 upset the/sb's '~-cart, spoil the/his plans. 破坏(某人之)计划。 in ~-pie 'order, in perfect order, with everything in the right place. 井然有序。 '~jack n (US) brandy distilled from fermented cider. (美)苹果白兰地(由蒸馏发酵的苹果汁而成)。 ~ 'sauce, (US = '~sauce) n a sliced ~s stewed. 苹果酱。 b (US colloq) nonsense; insincere flattery. (美俗)胡说; 假意的恭维; 奉承。 Adam's ~, Adam.




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