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单词 appetite
释义 appetite /'aepitait; 'aeps/tait/ n [U] physical desire (esp for food): 欲望; (尤指)食欲: She is suffering from lack of ~. 她食欲不振。 If you eat a lot of chocolate before supper, it will spoil/ take away your ~, prevent you from enjoying your supper. 你如果在餐前吃很多巧克力,就会吃不下晚饭了。 (fig) (喻) He had no ~ for the fight. 他失去斗志。 [C] instance of such a desire: 有食欲之实例: The long walk gave him a good ~. 长时间的走路使他食欲旺盛。 appetizer /'aepitaiZ3(r); 'aepa-Ztaizw/ n sth done (eg a walk) or served (eg olives, a short alcoholic drink) in order to stimulate the ~. 增进食欲之事(如步行); 开胃的饮料或食物 (如橄榄, 少许的酒); 开胃品; 开胃药。 appetizing adj pleasing to, exciting, the ~: 引起欲望或食欲的; 促进食欲的; 开胃的: an appetizing smell from the kitchen. 从厨房来的令人垂诞的味道。




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