释义 |
左zuǒⅠ ❶ (面向南时靠东的一边, 与右相对) the left side; the left: ~ 下角 the lower left corner; ~ 侧 the left side; 靠 ~ 行! Keep to the left! ❷ (东) east: 山 ~ areas east of the Taihang Mountains, specifically Shandong Province; 江 ~ region east of the Yangtze River ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 宗棠 Zuo Zongtang Ⅱ ❶ (偏; 邪; 不正常) unorthodox; queer; bigoted; heretical: ~ 见 prejudice; bias; ~ 脾气 a queer temperament; ~ 道 heretical belief ❷ (错; 不对头) wrong; in ̄ correct: 你说 ~ 了。 What you said is wrong. 你想 ~ 了。 You're not thinking in the right way.; You've got a wrong idea. ❸ (相反) different; contrary; opposite: 方向相 ~ in the opposite direction; 意见相 ~ hold different views; cannot see eye to eye ❹ (进步的; 革命的) the left; progressive; revolutionary: 极 ~ 思潮 the ultra-left trend of thought; ~ 翼作家 the progressive writers Ⅲ [书] (辅佐) assist ◆左边 the left; the left [left-hand] side; 左侧 left side; left hand; 左道旁门 heretical sect; heterodox school; heresy; heterodoxy; heterodox doctrines; heretical branch [doctrines]; black magic; unlawful and tricky ways; 左舵 left standard rudder; left rudder; 左锋 {篮球} left forward; 左顾右盼 look right and left; cast (glances) about; glance left and right; look warily right and left; peep right and left; 左后卫 {足球} left back; 左近 in the vicinity; nearby; 左邻右舍 next door neighbours; neighbouring families; one's neighbours; 左轮 revolver; 左轮手枪 bulldog; [美] oscar; [美俚] pencil; revolving pistol; 左满舵 hard aport; 左面 the left side; the left-hand side; 左内锋 {足球} inside left; 左派 the Left; the left wing; Leftist; 左撇子 left-handed person; left-hander; lefty; mancinism; sinistral; 左迁 [书] be demoted; demote; 左前卫 {足球} left half ̄ back; left half; 左倾 left-leaning; progressive; inclined towards the revolution; “Left” deviation; 左券 copy of a contract held by the creditor; 左嗓子 voice that sounds off key; person who sings out of tune; 左手 the left hand; the left-hand side; 左首 the left-hand side; 左思右想 think of this way and that; muse on sth.; be busy trying to think of ...; be deep in thought; rack one's brains; think from different angles; 左袒 [书] take sides with; be partial to; 左提右挈 give mutual help or assistance; 左舷 stroke-side; portside; port; larboard; 左旋 contra solem; levoclination; {眼} levotorsion; levocycloduction; levorotation; sinistrality; sinistral coiling; left-handed rotation; levogyration; levorotation; {物} laevorotation; levo-; laevo-; 左翼 left wing; left flank; the left wing; the Left; 左右 the left and right sides; about; or so; or thereabouts; master; control; influence; entourage; retinue; attendants; anyway; anyhow; in any case; 左右逢源 be able to achieve success one way or another; win [gain] advantage from [of] both sides; have one's bread buttered on both sides; (as) wanton as a calf with two dams; 左右开弓 draw the bow both on the left and right; box sb.'s ears right and left; give sb. a box on both ears; hit with both hands; shoot first with one hand, then with the other; shoot first to one side, then to the other; 左右全局 control the whole situation; (She) is mistress of the situation.; 左右手 right-hand man; valuable assistant; 左右为难 in a dilemma; be in a bind; be in a quandary about ...; be in dilemma; be on the horns of a dilemma; between Scylla and Charybdis; between two fires; 左证 evidence; proof; 左支右绌 be in straitened circumstances; be at the end of one's tether; be hard up; be unable to cope with a situation; not to have enough money to cover the expenses; unable to tackle one problem without aggravating another; 左转 left-handed rotation; 左座驾驶 left-hand drive 左left 左the Left 凡有人群的地方,都有~、中、右。Wherever there are masses of people,they are invariably divided into the Left,the middle and the Right./宁~勿右would rather be “left”than“right”/思想极~be ultra-left in one’s thinking/“~” 得不得了 “Left” to the extreme/“~”得出奇be surprisingly“Left”/“左”得要命the “Left” ideology is predominant/“~”的关门主义倾向“Left” tendency of closeddoor sectarianism/“~”的急性病 “Left” impetuosity/ “~”的思想“Left” ideology/“~”的政治路线“Left” political line |