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单词 assume
assume/ ə′sju:m,AmE -′su:m/ vt [-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)假定,设想(take or accept as true but without proof;suppose)[T+nT+thatC+n+to-inf]:Don't~anything in this case.在这种情况下不要做任何设想。~that there is no life on the Mars/sb has received the telegram/the train will be late 假定火星上没有生命/某人已收到电报/火车将晚点;It is~d that this is the best scheme.这被认为是最好的方案。~sb to know the fact/to be able to understand 假设某人知道那事实/能够明白;~sb's innocence/that sb is innocent/sb to be innocent (某人)假定是无辜的;(sb) be~d to be innocent假定某人是无辜的;It is~d that he is innocent.假定他是无辜的。〖同〗 suppose,guess,imagine,fancy;〖反〗know,prove;

(2)假装(put on (a disguiseparticular appearancepretend)[T+n]:~ignorance/interest/surprise假装无知/感兴趣/惊讶;~a pose/an attitude装出一种姿势/姿态;~an air of indifference/cheerfulness/concern装出漠不关心/兴高采烈/关心的样子;~a look of surprise/horror /innocence装出惊讶/惊恐/无辜的神色;~an expression of resignation装出顺从的表情;~the guise of a fool/the appearance of a benefactor 装出傻瓜的样子/大施主的神态;His eyes~d a strange look.他的眼睛装出陌生的神态。

(3)承担,担任(begin to be responsible for sth;undertake;take upon oneself)[T+n]:~office/power/authority/jurisdiction担任官职/掌权/掌权/掌管司法权;~one's new duties/one's new responsibilities承担新的任务/新的责任;~the crown/the presidency/the position of treasurer/the direction of the business/the role of leader 担任国王/总统/会计职务/商行管理/领导角色;~command of the fleet/an obligation 负责指挥那舰队/担负一职责;〖同〗take on,take up,shoulder,undertake;

→ as′sumption n 假定;假装;承担;as-′sumed adj 假装的;虚构的;

【辨异】 1)assumepresumesuppose都可表示“假定”。assume 表示的是一种虚拟“假定”,并没有什么根据,如:Let's assume you'll get a raise,what will you buy first?(假设你将加薪,你首先买什么?)presume表示有根据的“推定”(现代英语中assume也可用于这个意义),如:Since the firm is prosperous,I presume you'll get a raise.(既然公司欣欣向荣,我认为你会加薪的。)suppose也表示有相当根据的“假定”,还可表示一般的“猜想”,以陈述看法,如:I suppose you'll get a raise.(我猜想你会加薪的。) 2) assumeaffect2pretend的区别见AFFECT。





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