单词 | net |
释义 | net1/net/ n;vt[-tt-;-ed,-ed/ ɪd/;-ing/ ɪ ŋ/] n (1)网;网状物(loose open fabric made of string,thread etc knotted together and used for catching fish,birds,insects, etc,or any fabric made like this)[C,U]:a fishing/tennis/football/hair/mosquito/cargo~ 渔网/网球网/足球网/发网/蚊帐/吊货网兜;cast/drag/draw/hang up/put up/spin a~ 撒/拖/收/挂/张/织网;The tennis-ball hit the~before it dropped over. 网球触网后过网落下。Tom kicked/hit the ball into the~. 汤姆把球踢/打进网内。〖同〗mesh,netting,web,network; (2)罗网;陷阱(trap or snare that can catch,trick,or trip up a victim)[C]:be caught in the~of justice/fate 落入法网/陷入命运的罗网;escape from the~ 逃出罗网;The boy was caught in the~of his own lies. 那个男孩子不能自圆其说。〖同〗trap,snare; (3)(通讯)网络(network)[C]:a radar/radio/computer~ 雷达/无线电/计算机网; vt (1)用网捕获(catch in a net)[T+n,D+n+n,D+n+prep(for)]:We~tons of fish every day. 我们每天捕捞成吨成吨的鱼。They spent the afternoon~ting butterflies. 他们整个下午用网捕捉蝴蝶。Her father~ted her a rare butterfly. 她的父亲给她捉到一只稀有的蝴蝶。He~ted himself a rich wife. 他给自己找了一个有钱的太太。The deal~ted a large profit for him. 这笔买卖使他搂了一大笔钱。〖同〗trap,snare,capture; (2)用网覆盖(cover (sth) with a net)[T+n]:N~the apple trees to protect them from birds. 在苹果树上张网以防止鸟的侵害。 (3)把球踢(打)进球门网(hit or kick(the ball) into the goal net)[T+n]:The player~ted the ball with a hard straight kick. 球员猛力一脚将球直接踢进网内。 →′netting n 结(撒)网 |
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