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Ⅰ ❶ (工人和工人阶级) worker;workman;the working class:技 ~ skilled workers;
矿 ~ miners;
青 ~ young worker
❷ (工作;生产劳动) work;labour: 做 ~ do manual labour;
上 ~ go to work;
既省料又省 ~ save both material and labour;
这事很费 ~。 It requires a lot of hard work.
❸ (工程) project;engineering: 动 ~ start [begin] a project;
竣 ~ complete a project
❹ (工业) industry:化 ~ chemical industry;~ 交系统 industry and communications
❺ (一个劳动日的工作) man-day;working-day:这项工作需要多少个 ~? How many man-days will it take to complete this project?
❻ (技术和技术修养) craftsmanship;skill: 手 ~ handicraft;
做 ~ workmanship;acting
❼ (民乐音阶上的一级,乐谱上用做记音符号,相当于简谱的“3”) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱),corresponding to 3 in numbered musical notation Ⅱ (长于;善于) be good at;be versed in;be expert in:~ 于此道 be good at this kind of work;~ 诗善画 be well versed in poetry and painting Ⅲ (精巧;精致) exquisite;delicate:~ 细 fine;ingenious
◆工本 cost (of production);
工笔 {绘} fine brushwork;traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail;
工笔重彩 painting with exact delineation and enriched colours;
工兵 {军} engineer;
工部 the Ministry of Works in feudal China;
工场 workshop;atelier;work-house;
工厂 factory;mill;plant;works;
工厂环境保护 factory environmental protection;
工厂自动化 factory automation;
工潮 labour disturbances;strike movement;workers' demonstration;workers' protest movement;
工尺 gongche,a traditional Chinese musical scale;
工程 engineering;project;programme;
工程兵 engineering corps;engineer;
工程承包公司 (an) architectural engineering company;
工程成本 engineering cost;
工程地质 engineering geology;
工程管理人员 engineering managers;project managers;
工程合同 engineering contract;project contract;
工程技术人员 engineers and technicians;
工程监督 project superintendent;
工程师 engineer;
工程图(样) schedule drawing;engineering drawing;
工程造价 (the) project price;costs of construction projects;
工党 [英] the Labour Party;
工[功]到自(然)成 Constant effort yields sure success.;
工地 construction plant;building site;construction site;work site;
工读生 training student;
工读学校 a reformatory school;training school;work-study schools for juvenile delinquents;
工段 a section of a construction project;area of a construction site;workshop section;work section;
工分 workpoints;
工蜂 worker (bee);
工夫 time;free time;leisure;
工号 job number;
工会 trade union;labour union;
工价 labour cost;
工间操 work-break exercises;
工间休息 coffee break;
工件 job;work;workpiece;
工匠 craftsman;artisan;artizan;mechanic;
工交 industry and traffic;
工缴费 processing fees;
工具 tool;means;implement;appliance;instrument;
工具箱 hold-all;tool cabinet;tool case;tool chest;tool compartment;tool kit;tool-box;work-box;carrying case;kit;tote-box;
工具主义 {哲} instrumentalism;
工科 engineering course;faculty of technology;faculty of engineering;
工矿产品 industrial and mineral products;
工矿企业 industrial and mining enterprises;factories,mines and enterprises;
工矿牵引车 industrial tractor;
工矿区 industrial and mining area;
工况 operating mode;working condition;
工[功]力 skill;craftsmanship;
工力悉敌 rival each other in artistry or workmanship;be equal to ... in skill [craftsmanship];be somewhat on a par with ...;more or less of equal strength;The artistic attainments of both are well-matched.;There is little [not much] to choose (between the two).;The workmanship of each competes [vies] with the other.;
工联主义 unionism;
工料 labour and materials;
工龄 length of service;standing;seniority;length of the time employed;lengths of service as workers;working age;working years;
工偻 a surname;
工娄 a surname;
工贸结合 integrating industry and trade;
工农 workers and peasants;
工、农、兵、学、商 workers,peasants,soldiers,students,intellectuals and businessmen;industrial,agricultural,military,educational and trade circles;
工农兵学员 worker-peasant-soldier students;
工农差别 difference between industry and agriculture;gap between workers and peasants;difference between workers and peasants;
工农出身 be of worker or peasant origin;
工农大众 the broad masses of workers and peasants;
工农联盟 alliance of the working class with the peasantry;alliance of the workers and peasants;worker-peasant alliance;
工农贸结合、产销见面 Industry,agriculture and trade must be combined to bring producers and sellers together.;
工农业并举 simultaneous development of industry and agriculture;
工农业布局 distribution of industry and agriculture;
工农业分离 separation of industry and agriculture;
工农业商品综合比价指数 overall parity indices of the industrial and agricultural commodities;
工农业总产值 gross industrial and agricultural value of output;combined industrial and agricultural value of output;gross output value of industry and agriculture;total industrial-agricultural output value;total value of industrial and agricultural production;
工棚 builders' temporary shed;work shed;
工票 workticket;
工期 time limit for a project;
工钱 money paid for odd jobs;charge for a service;[口] wages;pay;
工区 work area (a grass-roots unit of an industrial enterprise);
工人 worker;workman;wright;factory-hand;
工人阶级 the working class;
工日 work day;
工伤 injury suffered on the job;injury incurred while working;industrial injury;
工商调查员 inspector of industry and commerce;
工商法规 commercial and industrial law and regulations;
工商关系 industry-commerce relation;
工商管理硕士 master of business administration (MBA); 工商户 industrial and commercial units;
工商界 industrial and commercial circles;business circles;
工商联 [简] (工商业联合会) association of industry and commerce;
工商矛盾 contradiction between the industrial and commercial branches of the ecomomy;
工商企业登记法 the registration law of industrial and commercial enterprises;
工商企业协商定价 prices set by industrial and commercial enterprises through consultation;prices set on the basis of consultation among industrial and commercial enterprises;
工商统一税 industrial and commercial consolidated tax;
工商协会 business association;
工商信贷 industrial and commercial administration;
工商行政部门 industrial and commercial administration;
工商行政管理 industrial and commercial administration;
工商学联合会 united association of industry,commerce and students;
工商业 industry and commerce;
工商营业税 business sales tax;
工商用水 water for industrial use;
工商资金 industrial and commercial funds;
工舍 camp;
工师 a surname;
工时 man-hour(s);working hours;task time;
工事 {军} fortifications;defense works;shelter;
工孙 a surname;
工调 [简] (工资调整) wage adjustment;salary adjust;a wage increase;
工头 foreman;overseer;headman;ganger;taskmaster;
工团主义 syndicalism;
工委 [简] (工作委员会) working committee;
工位 station;
工务处 job office;
工务段段长 roadmaster;
工效 work efficiency;
工薪税 payroll tax;
工薪总额 payrolls;
工休日 day off;holiday ;工序 production processes;procedure;working procedure [process];stages of production;stages in manufacturing;process step;working operation;
工序间检验 in-process inspection;inspection between processes;
工宣队 [简] (工人宣传队) workers propaganda team;
工学士 Bachelor of Engineering;
工学院 engineering college;engineering institute;
工业 industry;
工业标准 industrial standard;
工业产品 industrial product;
工业产权 industrial property;
工业管理 industrial management;
工业化 industrialize;industrialization;
工业化后 post-industrial;
工业化前 pre-industrial;
工业联合公司 joint corporation of industry;
工业品 industrial products;manufactured goods;
工业信息 industrial information;
工业[产业]性 industrialness;
工业用 industrial;
工业用电 commercial power;
工业油名称 sparcatron;
工业园 industry park;
工业自动化 automation of industry;
工蚁 ergate;worker-priest;worker ant;
工艺 technology;craft;industrial art;workmanship;process;technique;handicraft;handicraft art;
工艺学 technology;
工役制 labour service;
工尹 a surname;
工友 [旧] fellow worker;manual worker (such as janitor,cleaner);
工于心计 adept at scheming;very calculating;
工余 spare time;
工欲善其事,必先利其器 It is necessary to have effective tools to do good work.;A handy tool makes a handy man.;A workman must (first) sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well.;Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job.;When a workman wishes to get his work well done,he must have his tools sharpened first.;
工运 [简] (工人运动) worker's movement;
工贼 scab;blackleg;strike-breaker;
工长 section chief (in a workshop,or on a building site);foreman;gaffer;headman;master;
工整 carefully and neatly done;neat and orderly;
工质 (工作介质) working medium;
工种 type of work in production;profession;kind of work;branch of work;
工装 frock;
工装裤 bib overall;overall;
工资 salary;wages;remuneration;pay;
工资改革 wage reform;reform of the wage system;
工资合同 wage contract;
工资级别 wage category;wage scales;
工资税 wage tax;
工资外收入 extra-wage income;
工资性津贴 wage-equivalent subsidy;
工字大梁 I-girder;
工字杆 H-post;
工字钢 Ⅰ-steel;double tee iron;double T-steel;flange beam;H-bar;I-bar;
工字梁 flanged beam;H-beam;H-girder;I-beam;I-beam girder;I-iron girder;
工字铁 double iron;double T-iron;I-bar;I-iron;
工字形 H-shaped;I-shaped;
工作 work;operation;working;operating;running;performance;job;work;
工作点 action spot;operating point;working point;
工作负荷 working load;
工作激励论 theory of working motivating;
工作简单化 job simplification;
工作节律 work rhythm;
工作面 working face;acting surface;working surface;forefield;face;bank;backwall;breast;
工作台 staging;gallery;operating floor;operating platform;scaffold;service stand;work head;workbench;working platform;working stand;working table;operating board;bench;service;platform;
工作效率 working efficiency;
工作站 work [working] station;
工作者 worker;
工作组 working team;working-set





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