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单词 nerve
nerve/nɜ:v, AmE nɜ:rv/ nvt [-d,-d/d/,-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)神经(bundle of fibres that sends messages between the brain and various parts of the body causing the body to move and feelect)[C]:~cell/fibre/centre/gas/impulse/cord 神经细胞/纤维/中枢/毒气/冲动/索;(the) optic/autonomic/cranial/sympathetic~s 视/植物/脑/交感神经:He has damaged a~in his back. 他损害了背部神经。

(2)神经紧张(过敏,忧郁)(the condition of being too easily excited or upset)[Cpl](infml):He is suffering from~s. 他患有神经过敏症。The doctor gave her a sedative to calm her~s. 医生给她用了镇静剂使她的情绪安定下来。He doesn't know what~s are. 他不知道什么叫害怕(他神经从不紧张)。 She is all~s. 她太紧张了(她太神经过敏了)。 He had a fit of~s. 他发了一通神经。That noise got on my~s. 那噪音使我神经紧张。He has~s of iron. 他什么都不怕。

(3)勇气(敢),胆量(courage)[U]:a man/test/loss of~ 有魄力的人/意志力的考验/惊慌失措;He lost/regained his~. 他失去了/恢复了勇气。He must have needed a lot of~to do that.他做那种事情一定需要很大的胆量。Climbing calls for strength and~. 登山需要力量和勇气。〖同〗courage,boldness,determination,bravery;〖反〗cowardice,weakness,feebleness;

(4)厚颜,鲁莽(rudeness)(infml)[Csing]:What a~!真无耻!You've got a~to come here uninvited!你真好意思,不请自到。She had some~to say that!她那么说,脸皮真厚!

hit/touch a (raw) nerve 触到伤心处:Her expression told me that I'd touched a raw~. 她的表情说明我触到了她的伤心处。

vt给……以力量(勇气) (give courage to)[T+n+prep(for),C+n+to-inf]:~oneself (sb) for the struggle/the battle/the fight/a task/one last effort 鼓励自己(某人)去斗争/战斗/战斗/完成任务/做最后一博;He~d himself to climb the high tower. 他鼓起勇气攀登高塔。They~d themselves ready to face troubles. 他们振作精神准备面对困难。She tried to~herself to go down the spooky alley. 她壮着胆子走进那阴森森的胡同。

→′nerveless adj 无力的;不能动的;′nervelessly adv 无力地;不能动地





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