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单词 崭露头角

崭露头角初露头角;显露头角zhǎn lù tóu jiǎo

[of a young person] cut (/make) a fine (/brilliant,conspicuous,splendid) figure; be very promising ; begin to show one’s brilliant talents;display remarkable ability or talent
❍ 她在文学上已~。She has cut a splendid figure in literature.
❍ 就在这部电影中她显露头角,一举成名。It was in this very film that she showed her promises and became famous overnight.
❍ 要在革命斗争中露出头角,而不被时代的浪潮淹没,就应该在力所能及的条件下,尽可能地发展自己,这决非过分的事。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》135) He had to use every means within reach to further himself,if he was going to make a name for the revolution and not sink into oblivion. There was nothing improper about that,if done within rea sonable limits.

崭露头角zhan lu tou jiao

begin to show one’s brilliant talents


begin to distinguish oneself; make one’s debut; begin to show one’s brilliant talents;display remarkable ability or talent;stand out conspicuously

崭露头角zhǎn lù tóu jiǎo

崭:突出。比喻突出地显示出本领和才能。show prominently, display remarkableability or talent, rise(come) up in the world, make oneself conspicuous





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