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单词 neglect
neglect/nɪ′ɡlekt/ vt [-ed, -ed / ɪd/]; n

vt (1)忽视(略) (treat carelessly or not give enough attention to)[T+n]:~one's health/family/work/duty/wife 忽视健康/忽视家庭/忽视工作/玩忽职守/忽视自己的妻子;The public~ed his poetry.公众对他的诗并不在意。〖同〗slight,over-look,ignore;〖反〗notice,appreciate,value;

(2)疏(玩)忽;漏做(fail to doas through carelessness)[无 pass;T+to-infT+ing]:~to answer a letter/wind up a clock/return a book/mention an important fact 忘了写回信/上表/还书/提及一个重要的事实;He was thrown out of his flat because he~ed to pay the rent. 他因为忘了交房租被赶出了公寓。He's been~ing his bills for months. 他已经连续好几个月没有付账了。Don't~writing to me. 别忘了给我写信。Don't~paying him a visit now and then.别忘了常去看望他。

→neg′lected adj 被忽略的,被疏忽的;neg′lectful adj 疏忽的;neg′lectfully adv 疏忽地;neg′lectfulness n 疏忽;

n 疏忽;忽略(lack of care and attention)[U]:He was accused of~of his duty. 有人指控他玩忽职守。This slight~led to the tragedy. 这种轻微的疏漏导致了灾难。 The old house fell into~. 这座老房子年久失修,无人照管。N~of his studies caused him to fail. 学业荒疏使他考试不及格。〖同〗slight,overlook;〖反〗attention,care,notice;

【辨异】neglectslightoverlook 都表示忽视某人某事。neglect 指对要求予以注意的某人某事未能给予足够的或适当的关注,如:neglect the duties of a citizen (忽视作为一个公民的职守);slight指草率地处理,常常是傲慢地或轻蔑地不予理睬,如:Nothing in the service was slighted;every phrase and gesture had its full value. (礼仪中处处不容轻视,每个措词和动作都具有深刻的涵义)。overlook 指因轻率或缺乏细心而引起的疏忽行为,如:Some of the most significant issues have been neglected,and many revealing lessons of past experience have been overlooked. (一些很有意义的论点被忽视了,许多显示以往经验教训的地方也疏漏了)。





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