释义 |
峨冠博带é guān bó dàithe high hats and broad belts (of the old officials) —dignified and decorous ❍ 我想,这是因为他们的理想,是在革命以后,“重见汉官威仪”,~。(鲁迅《三闲集·现今的新文学的概观》110)I fancy this was because their dream had been for “a res toration of ancient splendour”after the revolution—the high hats and broad belts of the old officials. ❍ 忽人报: “门外有一先生,~,道貌非常,特来相探。” (《三国演义》322) One day his servants announced a stranger of extraordinary appearance,wearing a lofty head dress and a wide belt. ❍ 肃乃引孔明至幕下。早见张昭、顾雍等一班文武二十余人,~,整衣端坐。(《三国演义》373)Kongming was then conducted to where the high officers,civil and military to the number of two score and more,were assembled. They formed a dignified conclave as they sat in stately ranks with their tall headdresses and broad girdles. 峨冠博带e guan bo daihightopped hat and broad waist band(the attire of an official or an intellectual in ancient times) 峨冠博带é ɡuān bó dài峨:高;博:阔。高高的帽子,宽阔的衣带。原指封建士大夫们的穿戴;现多指穿着礼服。high hat and wide belt, dignified and decorous, more dignified |