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单词 岌岌可危

岌岌可危jí jí kě wēi

between the beetle and the block; extremely hazardous; danger hanging by a hair (/thread); in a perilous (/tottering) condition(/situation); in jeopardy;in imminent danger (/peril); precarious
❍ 当此国难深重之秋,若犹不思变计,则日汪肆扰于外,奸徒破坏于内,国脉民命,~。(《毛泽东选集》681) Now that there is a profound national crisis,with the Japanese and Wang Jingwei harassing us from without and the traitors disrupting us from within,our existence as a nation and people will be placed in jeopardy unless there is a change of policy.
❍ 长江在人们屋顶上奔流,让这~的时间过去吧!(刘白羽《火光在前》31)…its waters would be swirling over people’s roof tops. May these days of danger hanging by a thread quickly pass!/吴荪甫开在镇上那钱庄受这拖累,因此也是~,…… (茅盾《子夜》523) The local bank owned by Wu Sunfu was involved and now faced a crisis.
❍ 於斯时也,天下殆哉,岌岌乎!(《孟子·万章上》)At this time,in what a perilous condition was the empire!


in imminent danger;in a precarious situation;in great peril;in a critical condition





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