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单词 answer
释义 answer2 /'ans3(r) US: 'aen-; 'sens/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 9, 12A, 2A] say, write or do, sth in return (to): (用口说, 笔写或行动)答复; 回答: ~ a question; 回答一个问题: ~ the teacher. 回答老师。 He ~ed nothing. 他没有回答。 What shall I ~? 我将怎样回答呢? Have you ~ed his letter? 你回了他的信吗? He ~ed that he knew nothing about it. 他答复说关于此事他一无所知。 No one ~ed. 没有一个人回答。 No one was able to ~ him a word (→ Matt 22: 46). 没有一个人能回答一言(参看新约圣经马太福音第 22 章第 46 节)。 A~ me this question. 回答我这个问题。 ~ the door/the bell, go to the door when sb has knocked or rung the bell. 应门(有人敲门或按门铃时前往开门)。 ~ the telephone, pick up the receiver and ~ the caller. 听电话; 接电话。 [VP2C, 15B] ~ (sb) back. ~ impolitely, interrupt, esp when being corrected or scolded. (尤指在被纠正或受斥责时)回嘴; 还口。 2 [VP6A] fulfil; be suitable or satisfactory for: 符合; 适合: Will this ~ your purpose? 这将符合你的目的吗? 3 [VP2A] succeed; be satisfactory: 成功; 令人满意: This plan has not ~ed; we must find a better one. 这个计划未成功; 我们必须另立一个更好的计划。 4 [VP3A] ~ to the name of, (of a pet animal) have the name of: (指畜养以供玩赏的动物)名叫: The dog ~s to the name of Spot. 这狗名叫小花。 to a description, correspond to it, be as described: 与所述相符: He doesn't ~ to the description of the missing man that appeared in the newspapers. 他与报纸上对失踪之人的描述不相符。 5 [VP6A, 3A] ~ (to) the helm, (of a ship) change course when the helm is moved: (指船)能随舵转向: The ship no longer ~s the helm, cannot be steered. 此给已不能随舵缚向(即舵已失灵,不能驾驶了)。 6 [VP3A] ~ for, be responsible for: 对…负责; 担保: I can't ~ for his honesty, cannot, guarantee that he is honest. 我不能保证他诚实。 I will ~ for it (= promise) that the next one will be better. 我可以保证下一个会好些。 You will have to ~ for (= suffer for) your wrongdoing one day. 你总有一天会因为做坏靠而得到报应的。 He has a lot to ~ for, is responsible for, to be blamed for, many things. 他有很多的事情要负责(应受责备) ~able /-abl; -abl/ adj 1 that can be ~ed. 可回答的; 可答复的。 2 (pred only) responsible (to sb for sth). (仅作叙述用法)应负责的(与 to 连用,后接某人; 与 for 连用,后接某事)。




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