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单词 needle
needle1/′ni:dl/ n

(1)缝衣针(a smallsharp piece of steel with a hole(called eye) at one end for threadused in sewing etc)[C]:make one's living by one's~ 靠做针线谋生;run a~into one's hand 针刺痛了手;sew with a~ 用针缝;look for ain a haystack 大海捞针;Give me a~and a thread and I'll sew your button on. 给我拿针线来,我把扣子给你钉上。

(2)编织针;钩针(longthin piece of woodplastic or metal with a pointed end for knitting)[C]:I'll need size 8~s to knit you a pair of socks. 我需要8号的钩针给你织一双袜子。 Knitting~s and crochet~s have no eyes. 编织针和钩针没有针眼。

(3)(罗盘,仪表的)指针(pointer or indicator of a gauge or compass)[C]:a compass/magnetic~罗盘针/磁针;He drove faster,watching the~flick up to two hundred. 他越开越快,看着车速表上的指针跳到了200迈。

(4)注射针头(very thin hollow pointed tube that is pushed into someone's skin to put a liquid(esp.medicine)into the body)[C]:an injection~ 注射针;the~of a syringe 注射针;A hypodermic~is hollow,so that the substance injected can flow through it. 皮下注射针是空心的,这样注射物才能流通其中。

(5)唱针(very small pointed jewel or piece of metal which picks up the sound recorded on a record)[C]:a gramophone~唱针;

(6)针状物(thing that has a narrow sharp appearance)[C]:pine~s松叶;~s of ice/the rain冰凌条/雨丝 Cleopatra's~ 古埃及的方尖碑;~tooth 獠牙;

give sb the needle 激怒:Why do you behave like that? You know,it gives her the~. 你怎么这样做?知道吗,这会激怒她的。

→′needlecraft n 针线活儿;刺绣;′needlewoman n 缝纫女工;′needlework n 针线活;缝纫业;刺绣





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