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单词 山珍海味

山珍海味山珍海错shān zhēn hǎi wèi

costly foods; dainties of every kind; delicacies from mountains and seas; regale; the daintiest feast; rare(/the choicest) delicacies
❍ 许云峰面对着满场张皇失措的男女,指了指丰盛的~,象宣判似地说道: …… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》193) As the guests stared at him in dismay,Xu Yunfeng pointed at the delicacies on the table: …/美婢三五,进酒烹茗,山珍海错,目所未睹。(《聊斋志异·西湖主》652) A fresh supplies of wine,and tea,and all kinds of costly foods spread out by handsome slave-girls.
❍ 吃点青菜穿点布,本来也可以敷衍过去。可是,及得来~绫罗绸缎的舒服么? (《叶圣陶选集·含羞草》387) Of course you can live with coarse food and clothing but not half as well as with delicacies,silks and brocades.
❍ 下酒的不是什么~,却是两个民族深厚的生死交情,却是两个民族共同赢得的巨大胜利。(杨朔《三千里江山》48) No delicacies from hills or seas were served but the dinner was redolent of the profound friendship between the Chinese and Korean peoples and the great victory they had scored together.


delicacies from land and sea


mountain delicacies and seafood delights;delicacies (or dainties) of every kind

山珍海味shān zhēn hǎi wèi

山珍:山野出产的珍异食品;海味:指各种海味。指各种珍贵食品,也泛指价高物美的菜肴。delicacies from land and sea, regale, a wondeful spread, all kinds of costly foods





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