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单词 山崩地裂

山崩地裂山崩地陷shān bēng dì liè

mountains collapse and the earth splits asunder
❍ 她把头一掉: “小三妈……”二句话未说得出口,圩地里边“轰”的一声,如~一般,大殿上的泥土沙沙直滚,地好象摇摇晃晃地塌了。(陈登科《活人塘》134) She started to call Mrs. Xiao,but before the words left her mouth there was a tremendous explosion like a collapsing mountain.Sand and dried mud poured down from the temple and the ground trembled and shook.
❍ 士隐意欲也跟着过去,方举步时,忽听一声霹雳,若山崩地陷,……(《红楼梦》6)❶Shiyin was starting after the two immortals when he heard a fearful crash,as if mountains had collapsed and the earth split asunder.
❷Shiyin was on the point of following them through the archway when suddenly a great clap of thunder seemed to shake the earth to its very foundations,…

山崩地裂shān bēnɡ dì liè

原指灾难的巨大变化,现多形容声势浩大。mountains fall and the earth splits, mountains collapse and the earth splits asunder





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