屡教不改累教不改lǚ jiào bù gǎifail to mend one's ways after repeated admonition; refuse to correct one's errors despite repeated disciplinary action; incorrigible ❍ 犯错误的人,除了极少数坚持错误、~的以外,大多数是可以改正的。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ —284)Except for a few who cling to their mistakes and fail to mend their ways after repeated admonition,the majority of those who have erred can correct their mistakes. ❍ 对于严重破坏革命秩序和革命纪律,又~的人,也要采取严格措施加以认真的教养改造,不能让这些极少数人危害学校和社会。(邓小平《在全国教育工作会议上的讲话》)Strict measures should be taken in a conscientious effort to correct and reform those who seriously undermine revolutionary order and disci pline and refuse to mend their ways after repeated education,and in no case should we let a tiny handful of such persons damage the schools and society as a whole. 屡教不改refuse to mend one’s ways despite repeated admonition; refuse to correct errors after repeated education 屡教不改lǚ jiào bù ɡǎi多次教育,仍不改正。refuse to mend one’s ways despite repeated admonition, unrepentant |