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单词 Anglo-
释义 Anglo- /.aeqglau; 'aeqglo/ pref English: 英国的: ~-French relations, between GB and France. 英法关系。 ~-'Catholic n, adj (member) of the party in the Anglican Church that insists upon its unbroken connection with the early Christian Church and that objects to being called Protestant. 英国国教高教会派(坚持其与早期基督教继续不断的关系,并反对被称为新教派)的; 英国国教高教会派之教徒。 ~-'Indian n, adj a (person) of British birth, living or having lived, in India. 英国出生而居于印度的(人)。 b (person) of mixed British and Indian blood; Eurasian. 英印混血的(人)。 ~ 'Saxon n, adj (person) of English descent; one of the group of people who settled in England (from NW Europe) before the Norman Conquest; their language (also called Old English). 英国人(的); 盎格鲁撤克逊人(在诺尔曼人征服英国之前自欧洲西北部移居英格兰者); 盎格鲁撒克逊语(亦称古英语)。




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