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单词 居安思危

居安思危jū ān sī wēi

be vigilant in peace time;think of danger in times of safety; think of possible war when in peace
❍ 书曰: “~”。思则有备,有备无患。(《左传·襄十一年》) The Shu says,“In a position of security,think of peril!”If you think thus,you will make preparation against the danger,and with the preparation there will be no calamity.

居安思危ju’an si wei

think of danger in times of safety


thinking of danger in time of peace


think(or be aware)of danger in times of peace;be vigilant in peace time
~、有备无患be mindful of possible adversities(or potential dangers) and be prepared for the worst; stay prepared against adversities in times of peace; only when we are fully prepared can we shield (or protect)ourselves from perils

居安思危jū ān sī wēi

处在安宁稳定的环境中 ,要想到可能出现的危险、困难等。be vigilant in peace time, think of danger in times of safety, be prepared for danger in times of peace





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