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❶ (住) reside;dwell;live: 分 ~ (of members of a family) live apart;
侨 ~ 国外 reside abroad;
穴 ~ live in caves
❷ (处于;在) be (in a certain position);occupy (a place): ~ 世界首位 occupy first place in the world;rank first in the world;~ 中 be in the middle;
身 ~ 要职 hold an important post
❸ (当;任) claim;assert: 以专家自 ~ claim to be an expert;be a self-styled expert
❹ (积蓄;存) store up;lay by: 奇货可 ~ hoard as a rare commodity;
囤积 ~ 奇 hoarding and profiteering
❺ (停留;固定) stay put;be at a standstill: 岁月不 ~ 。 Time marches on. Ⅱ ❶ (住的地方;住所) residence;house: 故 ~ former residence;
迁 ~ move house;change one's residence
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~廉 Ju Lian
◆居安思危 be prepared for danger in times of peace;be vigilant in peace time;
居高临下 look down from a height;advantage of a commanding position overlooking the ground below;
居功 claim credit for oneself;
居功自傲 claim credit for oneself and become arrogant;
居功自矜 claim credit and brag about sth. one has done;be puffed up with pride because of one's services to the country;claim credit for oneself and become arrogant;
居功自满 feel smug with one's past achievements;
居间 (mediate) between two parties;
居今稽古 live in the present and search their ways of the past;
居里 Curie;{物} curie;
居谬 {穴位} Juliao (G 29);居留 reside;inhabitation;
居民 resident;inhabitant;
居民身份证 residential identification;the identity card for every person in China;
居民质量 inhabitant's quality;
居然 unexpectedly;to one's surprise;
居士 lay Buddhist;
居为己功 take credit to oneself;
居心不良 have got some dirty trick up one's sleeve;harbour hostile [evil] intentions [designs];ill-disposed;One's heart is bent on evils.;with bad intentions;
居心何在 What is your motive?;What are you (really) up to?;What is your intention?;居心叵测 harbour evil intent [intention] towards;cherish [have] dark [evil] designs;with an ulterior motive;with concealed intentions;
居心险恶 be vicious in one's motives;
居中调停 make one's peace with sb.;act as a mediator;
居中斡旋 mediate between two parties;mediate between disputants;
居住 live;reside;dwell;habitancy;inhabitancy;
居住面积 residential area;
居住区 settlement;
居住条件 the housing condition;
居住用地 residential area





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