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❶ (用于重叠、积累的东西) storey: 五 ~ 大楼 a five-storey building;
我住在二 ~。 I live on the first [美: second] floor.
❷ (用于可以分项分步的东西) a component part in a sequence: 他这话还有一 ~ 意思。 What he said has further implications.
❸ (用于可以从物体表面揭开或抹去的东西) layer;tier;stratum: 一~ 薄冰a thin sheet [layer] of ice;
一 ~ 油漆 a coat of paint;
那块岩石是由三 ~ 构成的。 The rock has three layers.
❹ (等级、类别) tier;stratum: 社会的最低[上] ~ the lowest [highest] tier of society;
美国的县按其人口密度可分为30或30以上个 ~。 The counties of the United States may be grouped into 30 or more strata in terms of their population density. Ⅱ [书] (重叠) overlap;one on top of another Ⅲ[书] (重屋,楼房) a building of two or more storeys Ⅳ [书] ❶ (高) high
❷ (深) deep
◆层报 report to the immediate higher authority one level after another;
层层 layer upon layer;ring upon ring;tier upon tier;
层出不穷 emerge in an endless stream;be continuing without end;appear layer upon layer without end;come out in an unending flow;come out thick and fast [one after another];emerge one after another;(New things) have appeared one after another.;in an inexhaustible variety;infinite changes;occur without interruption;(tricks,troubles,etc.) piling up one after another;(Good deeds) spring up one after another;take place in succession;
层次 (相属的各级机构) administrative levels;(说话、作文内容的次序) arrangement of ideas (in writing or speech);
层次分明 Gradation is distinct.;well arranged;coherent;
层叠 stack;stack-up;
层积云 {气} stratocumulus;cumulostratu;Sc;
层见迭出 occur frequently;appear repeatedly;be continuing without end;emerge in an endless stream;infinite changes;
层理 stratification;bedding;superimposition;
层流 laminar flow;filamental flow;
层峦叠嶂 layer upon layer of peaks and knolls;layer upon layer of mountains;multiple ranges of hills;peaks rising one higher than the other; range upon range of hills;
层压 {化} lamination;
层云 stratus;stratus cloud;multiple layers of clouds;
层状 stratiform;lamellar;lamelleted;
层子 {物} straton





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