释义 |
屁滚尿流pì gǔn niào liúfart and piss in terror;piss in one’s pants;be frightened out of one’s wit:be terrified; be panic-striken; be scared shitless; wet one’s pants in terror (/in a fright) ❍ 这几个火家捣子,打得~,乖的走了一个。(《水浒全传》357) They were all in a mess. One servant however run away,…/和尚听了, ~, 慌忙烧茶、下面。 (《儒林外史》51) The moment the monk heard this,he was beside himself with excitement and bustled officiously off to make tea and prepare noodles for Butcher Hu. ❍ 娇皮嫩肉,何曾见过这样官刑。今番见了,~,凭着官叫他说什么就是什么,那里还敢顶一句。(《儒林外史》499) The tender youth had never seen bastinadoes before; so,frightened out of his wits,he said whatever the magistrate wanted to hear,not daring to contradict him. ❍ 上至熊式辉,下至司法科,统忙得~。(《周恩来选集》上—25) All the people there,from Xiong Shihui at the top down to those in the Judicial Section,were in a hurry-scurry. ❍ 那西门庆正和这婆娘在楼上取乐,听得武松叫一声,惊得~,……(《水浒全传》320) Ximen was frolicking with Golden Lotus upstairs. At the sound of Wu Song’s voice he farted with terror and pissed in his panic. ❍ 饭店里见是潘三爷,~,鸭和肉都捡上好的极肥的切来,海参杂脍,加味用作料。(《儒林外史》230) Seeing that it was Mr Pan,the restaurant people nearly fell over backwards trying to please him,choosing their choicest and fattest pork and duck for him and cooking the sea slugs to a turn. ❍ 看到咱们的力量了吧!吓得土豪劣绅~,贪官污吏浑身打颤。(梁斌《红旗谱》313) See how strong we are! We’ve got the landlords wetting their pants with fright and the dirty officials trembling from head to foot. 屁滚尿流pi gun niao liube scared to piss in one’s pants 屁滚尿流wetting one's pants in one's terror 屁滚尿流piss in one’s pants (in terror);wet one’s pants;be frightened out of one’s wits 吓得他们~get them wetting their pants with fright; scare the shit out of them /打得侵略者~send the aggressor troops fleeing helterskelter 屁滚尿流pì ɡǔn niào liú比喻非常惊慌恐惧。wet one’s pants in terror, be scared shitless, frightened out of one’s wits |