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单词 局促不安

局促不安jú cù bù ān

be (/feel) abashed; be ill at ease; be on edge; be on pins and needles; bite one’s finger nails; have the fidgets; sit on thorns
❍ 江涛~,立起身来道出自己的姓名。(梁斌《红旗谱》)262)Jiangtao stood up awkwardly and told her his name.
❍ 觉新算好了帐,忽然注意到剑云有一点~的样子. (巴金《家》44) Juexin had finished his accounts and had noticed Jianyun’s awkward manner.
❍ 景翼一句话也不答,看他那样子,很是~。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》2249) Jingyi said nothing and appeared to be ill at ease.
❍ 姐姐在旁边看得很清楚,不怕朱延年很聪明又很调皮,遇到深谋远虑老练圆滑的徐总经理却感到~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—144) It was quite clear to his sister as she sat there to one side watching them that for all his cleverness and unruliness Zhu Yannian was feeling very uncomfortable now that he was face to face with the far-sighted,experienced and slippery Xu Yide.

局促不安jú cù bù ān

局促:拘束。形容拘束、恐惧不安。ill at ease, be on edge, feel constrained and uneasy, nevous restlessness





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