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单词 少不更事

少不更事shào bù gēng shì

green; verdant; young and not know how to deal with affairs; unfledged;young and inexperienced
❍ 遂游青楼,~,沉溺至大困顿,旋被洪送令还。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》234) He goes to brothels and,owing to his inexperience,becomes more and more involved until Hong sends him home.
❍ 这事也有两层,全为上文所说,不过一是因为老而无能,一是因为~罢了。(鲁迅《坟》112) Here,again,there are two ways of looking at the question. What we said before still applies,the only difference being that in one case we are afraid that the old will have no means of supporting themselves,in the other that the young will not know how to deal with affairs.

少不更事shào bù ɡēnɡ shì

少:年纪小;更:经历。年纪轻,经历的事情并不多。young and inexperienced, green, unfledged





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