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单词 alternate
释义 lternate2 /'altaneit; bltznet/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14] arrange or perform by turns; cause to take place, appear, one after the other: 轮流; 使交替发生或出现: He ~d kindness with severity, was kind, then severe, then kind again, etc. 他时而仁慈时而严厉 (恩威并施) 。 Most farmers ~ crops. 大多数的农人实行轮种 (轮替种植不同的作物,以保持土壤之肥沃性) 。 → rotation (2). 2 [VP3A] ~ between, pass from one state, etc to a second, then back to the first, etc: 一下子…一下子…:He ~d between high spirits and low, spirits. 他一下子高兴一下子沮丧。 ~ with, come one after the other, by turns: 轮流出现; 交替; 交互发生: Wet days ~d with fine days. 雨天与晴天交替更迭。 alternating 'current, current that reverses its direction at regular intervals, the cycle being repeated continuously, the number of complete cycles per second being known as the frequency. 交流; 交流电。 → direct (5). alternation /,lts'nei/n; , !tv'nesn/ n




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