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单词 all
释义 all5 /al; ol/ pron 1 everything: 所有的一切: He wanted all or nothing. 他要么就全要,要么就全不要。 2 all of, every one, the whole: 每一个; 全体; 整个: All of us want to go. 我们全体都想去。 Take all of it. 把所有的都拿去。 3 (used in apposition, in the same way as both and each) '. (用于同位格,与 both 和 each 之用法相同): We all want to go. 我们大家都想去。 Take it all. 把整个都拿去。 They were all broken. 它们全被打破了。 4 (followed by a relative clause, that being omitted) : (后接关系字句,that 被省略): All I want is peace and quiet. 我所要的只是和平与安静。 He took all there was. 他把所有的全拿去了。 5 (in prepositional phrases) : (用于介词片语中): above all, →above2 (3). after all, → after4 (5). (not) at all. /s'lsrl; s'tsi/ (not) in any way, in the least degree: 根本 (不); 全然 (毫无); 最少程度 (毫不): if you are at all worried; 如果你有任何焦虑的话; not at all suitable for the post. 完全不适于此一职位。 Not at all, polite formula in answer to an expression of thanks. (回答对方表示感谢的客套话) 别客气。 Cf 参较 US (美): You're welcome, for all (his wealth, great learning), in spite of. 虽然; 尽管 (他很有钱; 学识渊博) 。 for all I know/care, etc, (used to show ignorance or indifference) : (表示不知情或不关心) 谁知道; 亦未可知 (与我何干等): He may be dead for all I know. 他可能死了,也未可知。 in all, in2 (13). and all, as well; including: 连同; 包括: The dog ate the whole rabbit, head, bones and all. 狗把整只兔子,连头及骨头,都吃棹了。 once (and) for all, now and for the last or only time. 这是最后或唯一的一次; 只此一次; 决不再重复; 断然。 It was all I/he. etc could do not to (laugh, etc), I/he, etc could hardly ref rain from (laughing, etc). 我 (他等) 已尽了最大努力忍住不 (笑等) (意即我几乎忍不住要笑等)。 all in all. of supreme or exclusive importance, interest, etc: 极其重要的; 重于一切的; 最关心的; 最爱的: They were all in all to each other. 他们互相极为关切 (亲爱)。 (taking it) all in all, considering everything. 从各方面考虑; 就整个而言。 not as/so + adj/adv + as all that, to that extent; in that degree: 没有…到那个程度: It's not so difficult as all that, as is suggested, supposed, etc. 它并非困难到那种程度。 not all that + adj/adv, (colloq or vulg) : (俗或鄙) 并不算: It isn't all that cheap, not cheap if all things are considered. 并不便宜 (如果仔细算算的话) 。




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