释义 |
将欲取之,必先与之jiāng yù qǔ zhī , bì xiān yǔ zhīgive in order to take; in order to take,one must first give ❍ 关于丧失土地的问题,常有这样的情形,就是只有丧失才能不丧失,这是 “~” 的原则。(《毛泽东选集》195) As for loss of territory,it often happens that only by loss can loss be avoided; this is the principle of “give in order to take。”/将欲夺之,必固与之; 是谓微明。(《老子》三十六章)In order to grasp.it is necessary first to give. This is called subtle light./……勒令拿出赢余来,每月请一回客。这“~”的方法果然奏效,……(鲁迅《三闲集·我和〈语丝〉的始终》136) He was also asked to give a dinner each month out of the profits. This method of “making up to a man from whom you expect a favour”proved suc cessful,… 将欲取之,必先与之jiang yu qu zhi,bi xian yu zhigive in order to take 将欲取之,必先与之jiānɡ yù qǔ zhī,bì xiān yǔ zhī与:给。要想夺取它,必须先给予它一些好处。it order to take, one must first put aside, give in order to take |