射箭shè jiànArchery靶心 [bǎ xīn] bull’s eye; clout 搭箭口 [dā jiàn kǒu] nock 弓 [ɡōnɡ] bow 弓箭手 [ɡōnɡ jiàn shǒu] archer 弓弦 [ɡōnɡ xián] bowstring 箭 [jiàn] arrow 箭靶 [jiàn bǎ] target 箭袋 [jiàn dài] quiver 箭干 [jiàn ɡàn] shaft 箭头 [jiàn tóu] arrow head 箭眼 [jiàn yǎn] barbican 满袋箭 [mǎn dài jiàn] quiverful 弩 [nǔ] large bow 射箭 [shè jiàn] archery 射箭场 [shè jiàn chánɡ] archery range 神箭手 [shén jiàn shǒu] sharpshooter; marksman 神射手 [shén shè shǒu] sharpshooter; marksman 张弓 [zhānɡ ɡōnɡ] drawing the bow 射箭archery 相关词汇 80厘米箭靶80cm face 靶 target 靶面尺寸dimensions of the target face 配件袋 accessory pouch 弓的实际最大拉力actual peak bow weight 瞄准 aiming point 瞄准辅助aiming aid 铝制箭杆aluminium arrow shaft 碳素箭杆carbon (P/C) shaft 箭arrow 箭孔arrow hole 箭袋arrow-case 箭头arrowhead 弓背back of the bow 裸弓bare-bow 弓腹belly of the bow 射箭手套shooting glove 平衡杆和扭矩stabilizer and torque 弓bow 试弓bow tuning 上弓弦string the bow(to) 弓的拉力bow weight 合成弓,复合弓compound bow 护胸chest protector 琥珀灯光(计时信号)amber light 拉弦手固定点anchor point 射箭手(射箭运动员)archer 射箭选手站立位置archer’s stand 射箭选手位置archer’s position 射箭场(射箭馆) archery field range 箭的飞行轨迹traj ectory of the arrow (靶)黑心区域black area (靶)蓝色区域blue area (靶)黄色区域gold area (靶)红色区域red area 靶心(黄心)bull’s eye 弹出bounce out 分级赛classification round 无障碍物的箭道clear lane 完整的轮次complete round 偏离的箭deflected arrow 因风力影响产生的偏差drift 失误fault 犯规foul 发射裁判长director of shooting 比赛场地监督员Field of Play Supervisor 室外标靶射箭outdoor target archery 场地布局field layout 淘汰赛elimination round 射程distance 拉drag 射shoot (to) 拉弓的手臂shooting arm 撒放手指finger release 阵风gust of wind 射中hit the target(to) 国际射箭联合会International Archery Federation(FITA) 仲裁委员会jury of appeal 动能kinetic energy 预赛,资格赛qualification round 四分之一决赛quarterfinal round 半决赛semifinal round 排名赛ranking round 成绩公告板scoreboard 靶道shooting lane 开始射箭的信号singnal to begin shooting 风速speed of wind |