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单词 封妻荫子

封妻荫子荫子封妻fēng qī yìn zǐ

get one’s wife a title and benefit one’s son; win titles for one’s wife and sons
❍ 孩儿意欲前去应试。倘得一官半职,显亲扬名,~,光耀门闾,…… (《西游记》106) Your child wishes to try out at such an examination,for if I manage to acquire an appointment,or even half a post,I would become more of a credit to my parents,magnify our name,give my wife a title,benefit my son,and bring glory to this house of ours.
❍ 那满朝文武,平日里高官厚禄,荫子封妻。(洪昇《长生殿》225) The court officials had high positions and huge salaries,and their sons and wives were given titles.
❍ 把那些义儿家将得都成立,一个个请官受赏,他每都荫子封妻。(《关汉卿戏剧集·邓夫人苦痛哭存孝》326) His adopted sons and retainers receive official posts as their reward,their sons and wives are granted ranks and titles.
❍ 将来到疆场,一刀一枪,博得个~,也不枉了一个青史留名。(《儒林外史》456) Then with your sword you could win titles for your wife and sons on the battlefield,and make a name to be handed down in history.
❍ 阿爸,你孩儿多亏了阿爸抬举成人,~;……(《关汉卿戏剧集·邓夫人苦痛哭存孝》332) Ah,father,it was you who helped me win present rank with a wife and son to share my high position.

封妻荫子feng qi yin zi

(of the emperor) confer titles of honour on the wife of a deserving official and hereditary ranks on his descendants

封妻荫子fēnɡ qī yìn zǐ

荫:指古代官吏的后代因先代的官爵而受封。妻子得到封号,子孙得到世袭官爵。get one’s wife and children rewarded by heritage, with title for one’s wife and sons, win a noble position for oneself and for one’s wife and leave it to one’s posterity





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