释义 |
寿(壽);[夀]shòu ❶ (活的岁数大;长命) longevity: 人 ~ 年丰。 The land yields good harvests and the people enjoy good health. ❷ (年岁;生命) life; age: 长 ~ long life; longevity; 延年益 ~ (of tonic) calculated to prolong one's life ❸ (寿辰) birthday: 祝 ~ congratulate sb. on his birthday ❹ (婉辞, 生前预备的) for burial: ~ 木 coffin (prepared before one's death) ❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 冲 Shou Chong ◆寿斑 {中医} senile plagues; black speckle on the face of aged people; 寿比南山, 福如东海 May your age be as Mountain Tai and your happiness as the Eastern Sea!; May your fortune be as boundless as the East Sea and your life last long like the South Mountain!;寿材 a coffin prepared before one's death; coffin; 寿辰[诞] birthday (of an elderly person); 寿礼 birthday present (for an elderly person); 寿面 noodles eaten on one's birthday; birthday noodles; 寿命 life-span; life; age; lifetime; longevity; 寿器 coffin often bought and kept before one dies; 寿数 person's destined age; 寿桃 peaches offered as a birthday present; (peach-shaped) birthday cake; 寿险 life insurance; 寿星 the god of longevity; an elderly person whose birthday is being celebrated; 寿穴 [旧] graveyard built before one dies; 寿筵 birthday feast; 寿衣 graveclothes; shroud; cerements; dead clothes; 寿幛 a large, oblong sheet of red silk with inscriptions, presented at birthday; 寿终正寝 die in one's bed; die a natural death; die in bed of old age; die peacefully in bed; have an easy and beautiful death; pass away peacefully |