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❶ (引导) lead;guide: ~ 淮入海 channel the Huaihe River into the sea
❷(传导) transmit;conduct: ~电 transmit electric current;conduct electricity
❸ (开导) instruct;teach;give guidance to:教 ~ teach;instruct
◆导标 beacon;leading marks;range marks;navigation mark;
导出 leading-out;derive;derivation;
导词 {语} introductory word;
导弹 guided missile;
导电 electric conduction;
导管 conduit;conduit pipe;draught tube;guide tube;{医} catheter;{植} vessel;trachea;launder;spout;{生} vessel;duct;{化} delivery line;delivery hose;delivery tube;
导轨 {机} guides;track;{建} guide rail;lead rail;saddle;trackway;bedway;closure rail;guide strip;guide track;guide way;skid;slide guide;sliding way;way of bed;
导辊 deflector roll;delivery roll;guide roll;guide roller;running roller;sink roll;idler;
导航 navigation;pathfinding;pilot;guide;
导火索 {军} blasting fuse;powderhose;
导火线 (使爆炸物爆炸的引线) blasting fuse;powder train;train;common fuse;fuse;powder-flag;(比喻引起事变爆发的近因) a small incident that touches off a big one;the direct cause of an event;
导轮 {机} guide idler;guide pulley (压带轮);jockey roller (隋轮);idler pulley (空转轮;滚轮);(装在机车或新式农具前部,不能自动而只有支撑作用,亦称先轮) pilot wheel;control wheel;guide wheel;guiding wheel;
导尿(术) {医} catheterization;
导尿管 catheter;
导热 {物} heat conduction;
导师 (高等学校或科研机构中指导人学习、进修、 写论文的人)adviser;superviser; tutor;teacher;(在大事业、大运动中指示方向的人) guide of a great cause;teacher;director;mentor;
导体 {物} electric conductor;conductor;conducting body;prime conductor;conductive body;
导线 {电} (输送电流的金属线) conducting wire;voltaic wire;wire;conductor;{测} (测地、测量用) traverse (水平控制测量中各点相联构成的折线);导向 guide;steering;guiding;
导言 (引言) introduction (to a piece of writing);introductory remarks;preamble;
导演 direct (a film,play,ect.);director;
导引 guidance;
导游 guide [conduct] a sightseeing tour;tourist guide;tour guide;guide;
导源 (发源) (of a river) have its source;(由某物发展而来) originate;derive;
导致 lead to;bring about [on];result in;cause;give rise to





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