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单词 寻根究底

寻根究底刨根问底;盘根究底xún gēn jiū dǐ

find out the root cause of the trouble; get beneath the skin (/surface) of things; get down to the bedrock;get to the bottom (/root) of a thing (/a matter);inquire (/probe) deeply into a subject; investigate thoroughly;trace things to their roots; try to get to the heart of a matter
❍ 余静同志跑了各个车间,她从全面来看,~,主要是原棉问题。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—311) Comrade Yujing’s been round all the shops and has taken an overall view of the situation,and she’s found out that the root cause of the trouble is mainly that there’s something wrong with the raw cotton.
❍ 只有一班闲人们却还要~的去探阿Q的底细。(《鲁迅选集》上—72) But there were some idlers who wanted to get to the bottom of the business,who went to question Ah Q carefully.
❍ 这样穷根究底地问一下,似乎对于李白的真意能够有所接近了。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》184) With this enquiry we would probably come nearer to Li Bai’s intentions./“他要是主张他老妹离婚,为的是什么?抱的是什么目的?”邓秀梅最爱~,寻求事物的隐蔽的、内在的缘由。(周立波《山乡巨变》130)“Why should he want his sister to get a divorce?What would be his object?” Deng Xiumei liked to get to the root of a matter,and find out its hidden and internal causes.
❍ 村老老是信口开河,情哥哥偏~。(《红楼梦》471) An old village woman tells tall stories.A romantic youth insists on following them up.
❍ 她这是多年以前的事了,如今也好了。不过,年轻人有他们自己的看法,像大春,就有点~,过分苛求。(周立波《山乡巨变》27) That was many years ago; it’s all right now. But young people have their own way of looking at things. Somebody like Dachun is apt to trace things to their roots,and to be too exacting in his demands.

寻根究底xún ɡēn jiù dǐ

找出事情发生的根源。inquire deeply into, investigate thoroughly, go to the root of the matter, examine into the bottom





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