释义 |
对(對)duìⅠ ❶ (回答) answer;reply:无言以 ~ have nothing to say in reply ❷ (对待;对付) treat;cope with;counter:刀 ~ 刀,枪 ~ 枪 sword against sword and spear against spear;~ 事不 ~ 人 concern oneself with facts and not with individuals; 广州队 ~ 大连队 the Guangzhou team versus the Dalian team; 她 ~ 我很好。 She treats me well. ❸ (朝;向;面对) be trained on;be directed at;face:把枪口 ~ 准敌人 train one's gun on the enemy; 她的话不是 ~ 着你的。 What she said was not directed at you. 这房子 ~ 着大街。 The house faces the street. ❹ (使两个东西配合或接触) bring (two things) into contact;fit one into the other:~ 暗号 exchange code words;~ 个火儿。 Give me a light,please. 这个榫头 ~ 不上。 This tenon won't fit. ❺ (投合,适合) suit;agree;get along:~ 心眼儿 suit one down to the ground; 糖醋鱼很 ~ 他的胃口。 Sour-sweet fish agreed very well with him. ❻ (把两个东西放在一起互相比较,看是否相符合) compare;check;identify:~ 笔迹 identify the handwriting;~ 号码 check numbers ❼ (调整使合于一定标准) set;adjust:~ 表 set one's watch;synchronize watches;~ 好望远镜的距离 adjust the focus of a telescope; 如果照相机焦点不 ~ 准,照片就会模糊。 If the camera is not brought into focus,the photo will be blurred. ❽ (搀和) mix;add:茶太浓了,给我 ~ 点儿水。 Add some water to the tea,it's too strong for me. 牛奶里 ~ 水了。 The milk has been adulterated with water. Ⅱ ❶ (二者相对;彼此相向) mutually;face to face:~ 饮 (two people) have a drink together;~ 坐 sit facing each other ❷ (平均分成两份) divide into halves:~ 股劈 go halves;split fifty-fifty Ⅲ ❶ (对面的;敌对的) opposite;opposing:~ 岸 the opposite bank;the other side of the river ❷ (相合;正确;正常)right;correct:猜 ~ 了 guess right;~ ,就这么办。 All right,just go ahead. 是他的不 ~。 It's his fault. 他今天神色不 ~。 He doesn't look himself today. 我这样说 ~ 吗? Am I correct in saying this? Ⅳ (对偶的词句;对联) antithetical couplet;couplet:喜 ~ wedding couplet Ⅴ (双) pair;couple:一 ~ 夫妇 a married couple; 一 ~ 花瓶 a pair of vases; 一 ~ 选手 a couple of players Ⅵ (引进对象或事物的关系者):他 ~ 别人求全责备,对自身的缺点却视而不见。 He demands perfection in others,but cannot see faults in himself. 水 ~ 鱼的关系正如空气对人的关系一样。 Water is to fish what air is to man. 他 ~ 我笑了笑。 He smiled at me. 他 ~ 形势的分析很透彻。 He made a very thorough analysis on the situation. ◆对岸 the opposite bank;the other side of the river; 对案 {外} counterproposal; 对白 dialogue (in a novel,film or play); 对半 (各半) half-and-half;fifty-fifty;(一倍) double; 对比 (相对比较) contrast;comparison;balance;(比例) ratio; 对比度 contrast ratio;contrast; 对笔迹 check signature; 对边 across flats;opposite side; 对簿 [书] confront sb. with witness;be tried at court; 对簿公堂 check evidence of both parties at court;argue with [against] sb. (on sth.) in the court ̄ room;confront at court;confront someone before a law court; 对不起 [套] (对人有愧) I'm sorry.;sorry;I beg your pardon.;Excuse me.;Pardon me.;Will you forgive me.;if you please;if you don't mind;If I dare say so.;No offence;(辜负) let sb. down;be unworthy of;do a disservice to;be unfair to; 对策 (对付的策略或办法) the way to deal with a situation;countermeasure;countermove;{数} game; 对策论 game theory; 对唱 musical dialogue in antiphonal style;antiphonal singing;sing in antiphonal style; 对称 symmetry;symmetrical; 对称性 {数} symmetry;symmetrical characteristic; 对答 answer;reply;answer back; 对答如流 answer fluently;answer glibly;answer the questions without any hitch;reply in a stream of eloquence;give fluent replies;answer without any hesitation;answer readily without stopping;answer as quickly as the flowing of water;be ready at repartee;be fast at answering the questions;dissertation delivered as easily as the flowing of water; 对打 fight each other;pair exercise; 对待 treat;approach;handle;be in a position related to or compared with another; 对得起 not let sb. down;treat sb. fairly;be worthy of; 对等 reciprocity;equity;on an equal footing;reciprocal; 对地静止卫星 geostationary satellite; 对地同步轨道 earth-synchronous orbit; 对调 exchange;swap; 对顶 opposite vertex; 对方 the other side;the other party;the opposite side; 对付 deal with;cope with;tackle; 对歌 singing in antiphonal style; 对光 focus;beam-focusing;set the camera lens; 对过 opposite;across the way; 对号 (对号数) check the number;(相符合) fit;tally;(表示正确的符号) check mark (√);tick; 对号入座 take one's seat according to the number on the ticket;sit in the right seat;take one's seat indicated by a place card; 对合 convolution;folding;involution; 对花 register; 对华 {天} (反日冕;雾虹) anticorona;brocken bow;(针对中国的) to China; 对话 have a dialogue or conversation;dialogue;conversation;talk; 对奖券 lottery ticket; 对讲电话 intercommunication telephone; 对讲机 walkie-talkie;intercom; 对讲系统 intercom systems; 对角 opposite angles;across corners; 对角线 {数} diagonal;diagonal line;{建} slanting stitch (斜缝);arriswise; 对接 abutment;abutting joint;butt-joint;butt to butt;end-to-end joint;opposite joint;{航天} dock;docking link up; 对襟 a kind of Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front; 对劲儿 (合得来) get along well;(适合) suit;(称心合意) be to one's liking;suit one;(正常) normal;right; 对酒当歌 sing while drinking;enjoy life while you still can; 对酒当歌,人生几何 Enjoy wine and song while we can,for life is short.; 对局 play a game of chess,etc.; 对开 (相向开行) (of trains,buses or ships) run from opposite directions;(对半分配) divide into two halves;go fifty-fifty;{刷} (整张纸的二分之一) folio; 对抗 (对立) antagonism;confrontation;antagonize;counter;(抵抗) resist;oppose; 对抗性 antagonism; 对空监视雷达 aircraft- surveillance radar;air-surveillance radar; 对空警戒 security against air attack;anti-aircraft security; 对空射击 {军} antiaircraft firing; 对口 (两人交替说或唱) (of two performers) speak or sing alternately;(相一致) be geared to the needs of the job;fit in with one's vocational training or speciality;{医} (脓肿处作第二开口,以利排脓) contra-aperture; 对口疮 {中医} a boil on the nape; 对垒 stand facing each other;confront [oppose] each other,ready for battle;be pitted against each other; 对立 oppose;set sth. against;be antagonistic to;counterpose;contrasting; 对立面 {哲} opposite;antithesis;opposite sides; 对立统一 {哲} unity of opposites; 对联 antithetical couplet (written on scrolls,etc.);a pair of scrolls containing a poetic couplet; 对练 pair excercise; 对硫磷 alkron parathion E605;parathion; 对流 {物}{气} convection;convection current; 对流层 {气} troposphere; 对路 (合乎要求) satisfy the need;appropriate for needs;(称心合意;合适) be to one's liking;suit one; 对马 Tsushima (日本一岛屿);对骂 call each other names;abuse [scold] each other; 对门 (大门相对) (of two houses) face each other;(大门相对的房子) the building or room opposite;the house opposite; 对面 (对过) opposite;across the way;(正前方) right in front;directly;(面对面) face to face;{地理} stoss side (近极面);proximal side; 对内 internal;domestic;at home; 对内搞活 enliven the domestic economy; 对牛弹琴 play the lute to a cow — to have [choose] the wrong audience;cast [throw] pearls before swine;play one's guitar to an ox;preach to deaf ears;talk of ice to a butterfly;talk over people's heads;thrum the lute before a buffalo;waste good acts on sb. who won't understand;waste one's effort;whistle jigs to a milestone; 对偶 {语} antithesis;antithetical parallelism;{数} (二元的;二象的;配对的) dual;pairing; 对瓶 {工美} twin vases; 对齐 alignment;align;aline;register;{刷} justification;registration; 对日点 {天} antisolar point; 对日照 {天} counterglow;zodiacal counterglow;[德] gegenschein; 对事不对人 treat of a matter as a case for study,discussion,illustration etc. without reflection on any particular person;concern oneself with facts and not with individuals; 对手 (竞赛的对方) opponent;adversary;rival;(劲敌) match;equal;(对等者) follows; 对数 {数} logarithm; 对台戏 rival show [performance];对天立[发]誓 call Heaven to witness;cross one's heart;swear (an oath) before Heaven;swear by Heaven;swear by the heaven as witness;swear to heaven; 对头 (正确) correct;true;on the right track;(正常,多用于否定) normal;right;(合得来,多用于否定) get on well;hit it off;be on good terms with sb.; 对头 (仇敌) enemy;(对手) opponent;adversary; 对外 external;foreign; 对外开放 opening to the outside world; 对外经济技术交流 foreign economic and technological exchange; 对外科技交流中心 center for science and technology exchange with foreign countries; 对外贸易 foreign trade;external trade对味儿 (合口味) to one's taste;tasty;(符合某人思想感情) seem all right; 对胃口 (合口味) palatable;appetizing;(符合某人思想感情) be to sb.'s taste [liking];对外政策 foreign policy; 对位 {化} para-position;{音} counterpoint; 对虾 Penaeus orientalis;prawn;penaeid;peneid;langoustine; 对象 (目标) target;object;(恋爱的对方) boyfriend;girlfriend;marriage partner;match;prospective spouse;the target of one's love;fiancé or fiancée;对消 offset;cancel out each other;cancellation; equilibration; neutralization; balancing; 对眼 [口] (合乎自己的眼光;满意) to one's liking;to one's taste;[口] {医} (内斜视) cross-eye; 对应 correspond ̄ ing;homologous;correspondence; 对应[同义]词 equivalent; 对于 to;for;about;with regard to;towards;on; 对语 {修辞} antithesis; 对仗 (in poetry,etc.) a matching of both sound and sense in two lines,sentences,etc. usu. with the matching words in the same part of speech;antithesis; 对照 contrast;compare;cross reference;collation; 对折 fifty per cent discount;50% discount;reduced by one half;{刷} folio; 对着干 do sth. in opposition;run counter to; 对症下药 apply medicine according to indications — an antidote against the disease;find specific way (to solve problems);It is an adequate remedy for the disease.;prescribe a medicine special for the disease;prescribe the right remedy for an illness;suit one's methods to the situation;suit the remedy to the case [disease];对证 verify;check; 对峙 stand facing each other;confront each other;stand opposite each other;be at a stalemate; 对质 confrontation (in court); 对撞 {物} clash; 对撞机 collider; 对准 aim [point;direct] at;be directed at;train on;{机} alignment;aligning;aiming;registration; 对酌 (of two people) have a drink together; 对子 (对偶的词句) a pair of antithetical phrases,etc.;(对联) antithetical couplet |