察cháⅠ (仔细看;调查) examine;observe;look into;scrutinize: 观 ~ observe;survey;~ 其言,观其行 examine his words and watch his deeds;check what he says against what he does Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 童 Cha Tong ◆察办 investigate a case and determine how to handle it; 察访 make calls and investigate;go about to find out;go around and make inquiries;investigate; 察核 investigate a case and then decide what to do; 察觉 be conscious of;become aware of;perceive; 察勘 survey;examine; 察看 watch;look carefully at;observe; 察言观色 examine a man's language and observe his countenance;carefully to weigh up a person's words and closely watch his expression;dive sb.'s thoughts from what he says and the expression on his face;observe sb.'s speech and behavior;take one's cue from sb.'s words and facial expressions;watch a person's every mood;watch a person's expressions and weigh his words carefully;weigh sb.'s words and watch his expression |