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单词 mo(u)ld
mo(u)ld/mǝ ʊld, AmE moʊld/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)铸型,模子(hollow container into which a substance in liquid or soft form is poured)[C]:a copper/plastic/pudding~铜质/塑料/布丁模具;an animal-shaped jelly~一种动物形态的果冻模具;pour the batter/molten metal into a~把面糊/融化的金属浇进模子中;〖同〗form,cast,shaper;

(2)性格,气质(distinctive character(of a person))[C,通常sing]:a man of a gentle/serious/particular~脾气温和的/性格严肃的/气质特别的人;be cast in a similar/the same/one's father's~气质相似/气质一样/气质像其父亲;not fit (into) the~of typical retired police officer不具备一位退休警官应有的气质;〖同〗quality,character;

vt (1)使成形;塑成(form sth into a particular shape;make sth by shaping it)[T+nT+n+prep(into/from/out of/in)]:~the clay/the wax/the plastic into balls/candles/dishes 用黏土塑成泥球/用石蜡做成蜡烛/用塑料制成盘子;Steel/Iron/Metal can be~ed into long bars. 钢/铁/金属可以铸造成长条状。~a vase out of clay用黏土做一只花瓶;~a pot from clay用黏土做一把壶;~figure in clay用黏土做一人体造型;〖同〗cast,model,form,shape,create;

(2)塑造,影响某人(某事物)(influence or determine the growth or development)[T+nT+n+prep(into)]:help~the opinions/the minds/the emotions of youngsters有助于形成年轻人的见解/思想/感情;Her character has been~ed since her early childhood.她的性格是从童年开始形成的。~a child into a disciplined creature把一个孩子培养成为守纪律的人;~a pupil into something the teacher wants him to be把小学生培养成老师理想中的样子;~a man into a brave soldier把男人塑造成勇敢的士兵;~public opinion/one's destiny 左右公众舆论/支配自己的命运;〖同〗turn,form,convert,develop,transform,make;

(3)(使)与……吻合(相符合)((cause sth to) fit closely round the shape of)[I+prep(to/round),T+n+prep(to/round)]:The skirt/costume/clothes~(s) to (round) her figure.这裙子/服装/衣服紧贴在身上显出她的体形。

→′mo(u)lding n 浇铸,模塑;线脚;′moulded adj 成型(塑成)的





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