释义 |
富丽堂皇fù lì táng huángsplendid and imposing;gorgeous; grandeur; majestic; magnificent; palatial;sumptuous ❍ 他早听说上海舞厅~,到了七重天一看,果然不错,……(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—196) He had heard before now of how splendid and imposing the Shanghai ballrooms were and now that he was here in the Seventh Heaven he could see for himself that it was quite true; …/~的大厅,五颜十色的灯光,贵重的地毯,布满屋中的琳琅满目的罕见的古玩玉器…… (杨沫《青春之歌》539) The luxurious hall was full of coloured lights,rich carpets,rare objects d’art and precious antiques. ❍ 前总统徐世昌送了贺礼二万元和许多贵重的礼物,包括二十八件瓷器和一张~的龙凤的中国地毯。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》134) Ex-President Xu Shichang sent 20000 dollars and many other valuable presents including twenty-eight pieces of porcelain and a sumptuous Chinese carpet with a dragon and phoenix design. 富丽堂皇splendid;gorgeous;grand;sumptuous;magnificent 富丽堂皇fù lì tánɡ huánɡ富丽:雄伟华丽;堂皇:气势盛大。形容雄伟华丽而盛大。splendid, magnificent, sumptuous, beautiful and imposing |