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单词 affair
释义 affair /a'fea (r); s'fer/ n [C] 1 concern; sth (to be) done; business: 事; 事务; 职务; 业务: That's my ~, not yours. 那是我的事, 不是你的事。 2 (pl) business of any kind; day-to-day concerns of organization, etc: (复) 任何种类的事务; (机关等的) 业务: A prime minister is kept busy with ~s of state, the task of government. 首相为政务忙碌。 When he asked me how much I earned, I told him to mind his own ~s, not to ask questions about my business, etc. 当他问我赚多少钱的时候, 我吿诉他少管闲事。 We can't afford a holiday in the present state of ~s, while things remain as they are now. 在目前的情形下,我们无法去度假。 Secretary of State for Foreign/Home/Welsh, etc A~s, titles of Government Ministers in GB. (英国政府的) 外交 (内政,威尔斯事务等) 部长。 3 have an ~ (with sb), have an emotional (and sexual) relationship with sb to whom one is not married: 与 (某人,指非配偶) 发生爱情 (及性) 关系; (与某人) 私通: The doctor, they say, is having an ~ with the rector's wife. 据说那医生和校长夫人私通。 ~ of honour, duel. 决斗。 4 (colloq) occurrence; event; object: (俗) 事件; 东西; 物件: The railway accident was a terrible ~. 那次火车车祸是一可怕事件。 Her hat was a wonderful ~. 她的帽子是一件绝妙之物。 What a ramshackle ~ your old car is! 你的老爷车真烂!




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