释义 |
宵衣旰食旰食宵衣xiāo yī gàn shíget up before dawn and eat late; work hard and diligently;work long hours ❍ 陛下即位以来,旰食霄衣,为国忧勤,至今已十三年了。然而天下事愈来愈坏,几至不可收拾,原因何在? (姚雪垠《李自成》 799) In the thirteen years since Your Majesty ascended the throne,despite Your Majesty’s hard work and diligence,the situation has so deteriorated until now it is critical. ❍ 为了誓愿,为了复辟,我一面听从着关东军的指挥,以求凭借,一面“~”想把 “元首” 的职权使用起来。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》316) I followed the instructions of the Guandong Army while working long hours under the illusion that I would be able to use my power as head of state. 宵衣旰食xiāo yī ɡàn shí宵:夜间;旰:天已黑。天没有亮就起床,天黑了才吃饭。形容勤于工作和学习。work hard and diligently, busy with state affairs, work long hours, get up early and take one’s meal late |