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Ⅰ (祸害;害处) evil;harm;calamity: 两 ~ 相权取其轻 of the two evils choose the lesser;
为民除 ~ rid the people of a scourge;
有利必有 ~ advantage must be accompanied with disadvantage;good always goes together with evil Ⅱ (有害的) harmful;destructive;injurious: ~ 虫 pest;vermin;varmint;injurious [destructive] insect;~ 兽 harmful animal Ⅲ ❶ (使受损害) do harm to;impair;cause trouble to: ~ 人不浅 do people great harm;inflict a person not shallowly;~ 人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。 One should never intend to do harm to others,but should always guard against the harm others might do to him. 你把地址搞错了,~ 得我白跑了一趟。 You gave me the wrong address and made me go all that way for nothing.
❷ (杀害) kill;murder: 谋财 ~ 命 murder [kill] for money;
他被 ~ 了。 He was murdered.
❸ (发生疾病) contract (an illness);suffer from: ~ 了急性病 suffer from an acute illness;~ 了一场大病 have a serious attack of illness;~ 眼 suffer from eye disease
❹ (发生不安的情绪) feel (ashamed,afraid,etc.): 我实在为你感到 ~ 臊。 I am utterly ashamed of you.
◆害病 be ill (with);fall ill;fall sick;
害虫 injurious [destructive] insect;
害处 harm;
害多利少 more harm than good;do more harm than good;more disadvantages than advantages;
害国殃民 harm the nation and the country;a scourge of the country [nation] and the people;bring disaster [calamity] to the country and people;play havoc with the nation and the people;wreck the country and ruin the people;
害己告终 end up by destroying [ruining] oneself;
害口 [方] (of pregnant woman) show appetite for certain foods;
害鸟 harmful [destructive;pernicious] bird;
害怕 fear;be afraid;be scared;be afraid for sth.;show the white feather;be afraid that ...;be in fear of;for fear of;strike fear into;be overcome with fear;be overcome by fear;be fearful;have a dread of;dreadful;dread;frighten;frightful;tremble [shake] in one's boots [shoes];can't say boo to a goose;have cold feet;get cold feet;
害群败类 the black sheep;a bad egg of the community;
害群之马 an evil member of the herd;a bad egg of the community;a black sheep;a horse that spoils the whole herd;a public enemy;one who brings disgrace on [to] one's group;pests of society;There is a black sheep in every flock.;
害人 victimization;
害人虫 an evil creature;pest;vermin;
害人反害己 be hoist with [by] one's own petard;Curses come home to roost.;Harm set,harm get.;Harm watch,harm catch.;recoil on [upon] oneself;The biter (is) bit [bitten].;害人匪[不]浅 cause [inflict] deep injury to someone;cause infinite harm to people;do people great harm;have injured the people no little;injure [hurt] a person deeply;No small harm is done.;very harmful to people;
害人害己 bite off one's own head;Curses come home to roost.;Harm set,harm get.;Harm watch,harm catch.;He who bites others gets bitten himself.;injure both others and self;
害人利己 benefit self at the expense of another;
害臊 [口] feel ashamed;be bashful;
害兽 harmful [destructive] animal;varmint;vermin;
害喜 feel morning sickness of pregnant woman;be pregnant;
害羞 be bashful;be shy;
害羞赧颜 feeling ashamed;blush a scarlet red;
害眼 have eye trouble





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