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单词 审时度势

审时度势shěn shí duó shì

judge the hour and size up the situation; study the situation and weigh the conditions; weigh the circumstances
❍ 灵活,是聪明的指挥员,基于客观情况,“~”(这个势,包括敌势、我势、地势等项)而采取及时的和恰当的处置方法的一种才能,即所谓“运用之妙“。(《毛泽东选集》462)Flexibility consists in the intelligent commander’s ability to take timely and appropriate measures on the basis of objective conditions after“judging the hour and sizing up the situation”(the “situation” includes the enemy’s situation,our situation and the terrain),and this flexibility is “ingenuity in varying tactics”.


size up the situation;take stock of the situation;take a realistic view (or make a correct assessment)of the situation; have a correct reading of the situation

审时度势shěn shí duó shì

审:审察,细究;度:估计。观察当前的情况,估计客观的形势。judge the hour and size up the situation, weigh the circumstances, see how the land lies





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