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单词 宠辱不惊

宠辱不惊chǒng rǔ bù jīng

not be alarmed whether in favour or in disgrace;not be moved by official honour or disgrace; remain in different whether granted favours or subjected to humiliation
❍ 说李白没有辜负自己浮云富贵的志趣,能够~,全身而退。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》169)Du Fu tried to smooth over this incident by saying that Li Bai looked upon his high position in court as no more than floating dust and that although out of favour with the emperor,the poet retired calmly and gracefully,preserving his integ rity.

宠辱不惊chǒnɡ rǔ bù jīnɡ

宠:荣耀。无论受宠或受辱都不为所动。比喻把得失置之度外。not moved by official honor or disgrace, remain indifferent whether favoured or humiliated





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