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单词 assess
assess/ ə′ses/ vt [-s / ɪz/]

(1)估(确)定(数量)(calculate and determine the amount of (a taxa fineor dam-ages))[T+nT+n+prep(at)]:~sb's tax/the damage to the crops 估定某人的税额/庄稼的损失;My income has been~ed wrongly.我的收入估定错了。Each member will be~ed $2.将对每个成员收两美元的税。~the damage/the house/the value of the property at £20,000 估定那次损失/那所房子的征税基价/那份财产的征税基值为两万英镑;〖同〗determine;

(2)估(确)定(价值),估价(calculate and determine the value of sth)[T+n]:~(the rough market value of) a house 估定房子的(大概出售)价钱;have a house~ed by a valuer 让估价人给一所房子估价;〖同〗estimate,value;

(3)评估(价)(estimate or judge the quality or worth of sth)[T+nC+n+prep(as)]:~the importance of a decision/the impact of the President's speech/the situation/personality weaknesses/one's efforts 评价一决定的重要性/总统演讲的影响/形势/人性的弱点/自己的努力;~sb's chances of winning as low 估计某人成功的可能性不大;~sb as future leader of the group估计某人会成为该小组未来的头头;〖同〗judge;

→ as′sessment n 估定(数量);估价;评估;as′sessor n 估税(价)员;法庭顾问





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