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单词 add
释义 add /aed; aed/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14] add sth (to sth), join, unite, put (one thing together with another): 加; 增加; 添加: If you add 5 and /to 5 you get 10. 五加五得十。 The house has been added to from time to time, new rooms, etc have been built on to it. 这栋房子曾经一再的扩建。 If the tea is too strong, add some hot water. 如果茶太浓,再加点开水。 'adding-machine n machine for calculating mechanically. 加数机。 2 [VP6A, 9] say further; go on to say: 又说; 继续说: 'and I hope you'll come early,' he added. 他接着又说,‘并且我希望你早点来。’ She added that.... 她接着又说…。 3 [VP15B, 3A, 2C] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用之特殊用法): add sth in, include. 包括; 将某事物加进去。 add to, increase: 增加: This adds to our difficulties. 这会增加我们的困难。 add sth together, combine two or more things. 将某些事物结合起来; 凑合在一起。 add sth up, find the sum of: 求…的总数; 加起来: add up a column of figures; 将一列数字加起来; add up ten figures; 将十个数目加起来; add them up. 求它们的总和。 add up (to), a give as a result, when joined: 加起来总和是: The figures add up to 365. 这些数目加起来总和是365。 b (colloq) mean; indicate; amount to: (俗)含义是; 表示; 等于; 总而言之: All that this adds up to is that you don't want to help, so why not say so at once? 总而言之,你不想帮忙,那么,为何不立即明说呢? c (colloq) make sense; be plausible: (俗)有意义; 讲得通: It just doesn't add up. 这简直没有意义。




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