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单词 实事求是

实事求是shí shì qiú shì

base oneself on the facts;give due consideration to (of)facts; in a down-to earth (/practical/truth-seeking) way (/spirit/manner); be practical and realistic; seek truth from facts; stick to the facts; take (/use) a realistic(/practical/objective/matter-of-fact) approach
❍ 我考虑来考虑去,最后觉得还是~嘛,我把预报拿到党委会了。(李准《不能走那条路》115) I thought and thought,and finally I decided I would act on the facts as I saw them. I handed a report of my findings to the Party committee.
❍ 这时候我也想了,不管怎么样,只记住一句话: ~,敢说敢负责! (李准《不能走那条路》138) Comewhat may,I said to myself,you’ve only got to remember one thing: Base your actions on the facts;dare to speak and dare to take responsibility!/你说我不关心民兵排的荣誉,这不对,我们要~,…… (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》 170) Furthermore,I don’t think you should accuse me of not caring enough for the honour of our platoon. We have to be honest about it. …/要~,分别对待。(周恩来《在文艺工作座谈会和故事片创作会议上的讲话》) We must make the assessments accordingly in a down-to-earth way and deal with each case differently.
❍ 你只能负起你自己那部分责任。应当~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》439) You must take your share of the responsibility and keep to the facts.
❍ 共产党员应是~的模范,又是具有远见卓识的模范。 (《毛泽东选集》488) Communists should set an example in being practical as well as far-sighted.
❍ 毛主席的学习态度,他自己的口号是 “~”,他是最老实的,是则是,非则非。(周恩来《学习毛泽东》) As to his attitude towards study,his own watchword is“seeking truth from facts”,he is completely honest,unequivocal on what is right and what is wrong.
❍ 张冲听到前面一段话,觉得这位老师傅很~,…… (周良思《飞雪迎春》232) The first part of this speech struck Zhang as showing sound judgement.
❍ 依我自己的体会,党是注重~的调查。(艾芜《百炼成钢》165) From my own understanding,I know that the Party does lay stress on truthful,matter-of-fact investigation.

实事求是shi shi qiu shi

seek truth from facts


seeking truth from facts


seeking truth from facts


seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic;down to earth; pursue a realistic and pragmatic approach;be true to facts
~的工作作风a practical and realistic style of work/~的科学态度realistic scientific approach/~的批评criticism based on facts/~的思想路线ideological line of seeking truth from facts/~的态度a realistic approach;matter-of-fact approach/~、与人为善的批评criticism based on facts and aimed at helping those criticized

实事求是shí shì qiú shì

实事:指客观存在的一切事物;求:探求,研究;是:客观事物的内在联系,就是规律性。从实际情况出发,探求事物发展的规律性,以知道我们的行动;也指行动按照事物的实际情况,不夸大,不缩小。seek truth from facts, get down to facts, respect truth





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