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❶ (内部完全填满, 没有空隙) solid: 里面是 ~ 的。 It's solid. 铁条是 ~ 心的, 管子是空心的。 An iron bar is solid, a pipe is hollow.
❷ (真实; 实在) true; real; honest: ~ 心眼儿 honest and sincere; 情况属 ~。 It's true. ~ 有其事。 It's a fact. Ⅱ ❶ (实际; 事实) reality; fact: 失 ~ inconsistent with the facts; 名不副 ~。 The name falls short of the reality.
❷ (果实; 种子) fruit; seed: 开花结 ~ blossom and bear fruit; 春华秋 ~ flower in spring and yield fruit in autumn
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 捷 Shi Jie
◆ 实报实销 be reimbursed for one's actual expenses [what one spends];实逼处此 be compelled to ...; cannot (help) but ...;
实部 real part; resistive component;
实词 {语} notional word;
实弹 live shell; live ammunition; live round;
实地 on the spot; indeed; in real earnest;
实干 get right on the job; do solid work; be steadfast in one's work;
实话 truth;
实话实说 speak frankly; not beat about the bush; not mince matters [words]; talk straight; to tell the truth;
实惠 material benefit; tangible benefits; substantial; solid;
实际 reality; practice; practical; realistic; real; actual; concrete;
实际收益率 actual income rate; 实价 actual price; real price;
实践 practice; put into practice; carry out; reduce to practice; live up to;
实据 substantial evidence; substantial proof;
实距 actual distance;
实况 what is actually happening;
实例 living example; example; turnabout; case; undershoot;
实力 actual strength; strength;
实量 real quantity;
实情 the true state of affairs; the actual situation; truth;
实权 real power;
实生苗 seedling;
实施 put into effect; implement; carry out; bring [put] sth. into force; enforce; put sth. in [into] practice;
实施细则 the detailed rules and regulations of implemenlation; 实时 actual time; real time; true time;
实时联机操作 real-time control system; 实时数据处理 real-time data processing; 实时专家系统 real-time expert system; 实实在在 in the name of goodness; down-to-earth; on the level;
实事求是 seek (the) truth from facts; base on facts; be practical and realistic; be realistic and down-to-earth; call a pikestaff a pikestaff; call a spade a spade; come down to earth; do things in a down-to-earth manner; give due consideration to facts; in a matter-of-fact way; in a practical and realistic way; use a practical approach;
实数 {数} real; real number; the actual amount or number;
实体 {哲} substance; {律} entity;
实物 material object; in kind; entity; matter;
实习 practice; fieldwork; field trip; internship;
实现 realize; achieve; bring about; come true; effectuation; enforce;
实线 active line; full line; full curve; solidline curve;
实像 {物} real image;
实效 actual effect; substantial results;
实心 sincere; solid;
实心实意 honest and sincere;
实心眼儿 having a one-track mind; a person with one-track mind;
实行 put into practice; carry out; practise; implement; effectuation; layout;
实学 real learning; sound scholarship;
实验 experiment; test; trial run;
实验室 laboratory;
实业 industry and commerce; industry;
实义词 {语} national word;
实用 practical; pragmatic; functional;
实用技术信息库 appropriate technology information database; 实用主义 {哲} pragmatism;
实在 true; real; honest; dependable; indeed; really; honestly; in fact; in essence; as a matter of fact; 实在 [方] (of work) well-done; done carefully;
实战 actual combat;
实症 {中医} a case of a physically strong patient running a high fever or suffering from such disorders as stasis of blood, constipation, etc.;
实职 actual official post that involves actual work and service from the person who holds it;
实质 substance; essence; texture; parenchyma; quiddity; parenchima;
实字 notional word;
实足 full; solid


sthenia; excess; repletion





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